@article{35, keywords = {United Nations Environment Life Cycle Initiative Task Force on Mineral Resources}, author = {Thomas Sonderegger and Markus Berger and Rodrigo Alvarenga and Vanessa Bach and Alexander Cimprich and Jo Dewulf and Rolf Frischknecht and Jeroen ee and Christoph Helbig and Tom Huppertz and Olivier Jolliet and Masaharu Motoshita and Stephen Northey and Benedetto Rugani and Dieuwertje Schrijvers and Rita Schulze and Guido Sonnemann and Alicia Valero and Bo Weidema and Steven Young}, title = {Mineral resources in life cycle impact assessment\textemdashpart I: a critical review of existing methods}, year = {2020}, journal = {The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment}, doi = {10.1007/s11367-020-01736-6}, }