@article{135, keywords = {healthy, intelligent environments, wel-being}, author = {Jennifer Boger and Amaya Arcelus and Alex Mihailidis}, title = {Themes learned through the development of intelligent environments that support healthy well-being}, abstract = {
The dynamic, adaptive, and autonomous nature of intelligent environments makes them ideal for supporting people s health and well-being. The Intelligent Assistive Technology and Systems Lab IATSL and their collaborators are a team of engineers, computer scientists, and rehabilitation specialists who have been working with end users to develop devices and systems for supporting people in home and institutional environments for over a decade. This paper presents key themes for supporting the development of health-centric intelligent environments and systems. Examples of the themes are illustrated through several case studies of real-world applications developed through IATSL s research. The paper concludes by high-lighting some areas that need to be considered by the field as intelligent environments move out of the research lab and into people s homes.
}, year = {2014}, journal = {Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments}, volume = {6}, chapter = {215}, month = {03/2014}, issn = {1876-1364}, url = {https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2593423}, }