Project Artifact Library

Purpose of Project Artifact Library

The purpose of the project artifact library is to provide a searchable database of previous projects' lessons learned and project management documents.  This will allow current and future projects to

  • learn what other projects have done
  • re-use documents from historical projects that have similar characteristics
  • use previous learnings towards their own projects

The PMO will be conducting and sharing trend reports on lessons learned.  These reports will be used to determine future education opportunities.

Accessing the Project Artifact Library

The project artifact library currently resides within MS Teams and is accessible by all IST staff.  To find the library:

  1. Open MS Teams and go to the IST-Team
  2. Click the tab in the main window titled "PMO Document Repository"

All of the documents will be listed.  Clicking the 'All Documents' drop down will allow you to select some of the Group By options that have been set up according to different document attributes. For example, grouping my document type will enable you to group by and filter by document types (e.g. lessons learned documents, charters, etc) that are in the repository.  Other document types may then be added to the filter if you are looking for multiple types of documents.

Please send artifacts for IST projects to be added to the repository by submiting a ticket to the PMO

Project Artifact Library Participants

The PMO maintains the artifact library with IST project information through three methods:

  1. Send lessons learned and key project management documents by submiting a ticket to the PMO.
  2. the PMO can facilitate project closure processes and assist towards reporting success and lessons learned

All staff in IST will have access to search the artifact library once it is built.  The artifact library is only as valuable as the information within it so please share your project information so that others can benefit from it.