KI Seminar: What is Knowledge Integration? Explaining Ourselves to Others

Friday, March 11, 2022 1:00 pm - 2:20 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

“So, what is Knowledge Integration, anyway?” All of us in KI have been asked some version of this question by family, friends, students in other programs, and/or potential employers. Given that KI is a unique, flexible, and multi-faceted degree, it can be challenging to succinctly explain it to others. Moreover, how we explain it may need to be modified to fit certain contexts.

During this INTEG 10 seminar, we will workshop ways of explaining the KI program, tailoring those explanations for different audiences and highlighting KI’s value. Most of the session will focus on brainstorming, crafting, sharing, and discussing various ways of explaining KI. To make sure you can fully participate, we recommend that you bring a laptop, tablet, or paper & pen that you can use to brainstorm ideas and draft “pitches” for various audiences.

The session will be facilitated by Katie Plaisance, one of the KI instructors. Katie will provide some context that will help you to craft your pitches (e.g., key skills emphasized in KI that are in high demand across employment sectors). We expect a few KI alumni to come and share some of their experiences talking to others about KI, and we have invited a few “friends of KI” to join us so they can provide feedback on how we might explain KI more clearly, succinctly, and powerfully to those outside the program.

All KI students and alumni are welcome to join us for this session!

*Note: The phrase “Explaining Ourselves to Others” comes from Margaret Price’s excellent piece, “Disability Studies Methodology: Explaining Ourselves to Others,” which is one of the key texts in INTEG 221: The Social Nature of Knowledge.