Collection SCA98-GA68 - Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection

Athlone visitSalvation Army BandSoftball, Breslau ChampsSquirrell, ArthurSquirrell, ArthurSt. Agatha Christmas ParadeSt. Agatha Christmas ParadeSpeleologist FeatureSpeleologist FeatureSt. Agatha Church, Zion EvangelicalSt. Andrew's ChurchSt. Andrew's ChurchSt. Andrew's ChurchSt. Andrew's Anniversary, Judge McKieSoftball, Dominion TireSpivak, Eli and KruspeSt. Aloysuis School OpeningSt. Aloysuis School OpeningSmith, Albert J. and OrganSmith, Albert J. and OrganSmith, Gilbert A. and OrganSmith, Harold A.Smith, Rev. Clarkson, Arthur MinisterSnowSnowSnowSnowSnowball at St. Jerome'sSnyder, EldonSnyder, JacobSo Ed Group [?]So Ed Group [?]Soap Box DerbySoap Box DerbySoap Box DerbySoap Box DerbySoap Box DerbySoap Box DerbySoap Box DerbyAerials, Preston and Galt, CambridgeAerials, Preston and Galt, CambridgeAerials, Preston and Galt, CambridgeAerials, Preston and Galt, CambridgeAerials, Preston and Galt, CambridgeAerials, Preston and Galt, CambridgeAerials, Preston and Galt, CambridgeAerials, Preston and Galt, CambridgeMap, Nith RiverPolice Windmill [radio mast], CentrevillePolice Windmill [radio mast], CentrevilleAir Raid Drill, QE SchoolAir Raid Drill, QE SchoolAir Raid Drill, QE SchoolAlischer, Pte. AndrewAnderson, Florence, WashingtonAnderson, Florence, WashingtonArmstrong, Louis at Press ClubArmstrong, Louis at Press ClubArmstrong, Louis at Press ClubArmstrong, Louis at Press ClubArmstrong, Louis at Press ClubCentennial Birthday CakeCentennial Birthday CakeCentennial Birthday CakeCentennial Birthday CakeCentennial Birthday CakeJunior Farmers, Drama FestivalJunior Farmers, Drama FestivalJunior Farmers, Drama FestivalJunior Farmers, Drama FestivalJunior Farmers, Drama FestivalOnorato, Sweepstake Winner, PrestonOnorato, Sweepstake Winner, PrestonRed Cross GraduatesRed Cross Nursing GroupSacred Heart, Valentine King and QueenSacred Heart, Valentine King and QueenSister Mary MagdelenSkating, Kitchener Memorial AuditoriumSkating, Waterloo, Kitchener ParksSkating, Waterloo, Kitchener ParksSlugaske and DollSlugaske and DollSt. John's TeaSt. John's TeaSt. John's WomenSt. Louis CWL OfficersSt. Louis CWL OfficersSt. Louis Hall DedicationSt. Mark's Christmas CandlesSt. Mary's Capt. Ball WinnersSt. Mary's Field DaySt. Mary's Field DaySt. Mary's High School GraduationSt. Mary's High School PlaySt. Mary's Hospital XraySt. Mary's Hospital XraySt. Mary's Hospital XrayAdvertisement, FirestoneAdvertisement, Firestone
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Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection

Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title from content of the collection.

Level of description


Reference code


Dates of creation area


Physical description area

Physical description

ca. 2 million negatives.

Archival description area

Name of creator

Biographical history

The Kitchener-Waterloo Record began with the publication of the Daily News of Berlin on February 9, 1878 and was the first daily paper in the area. It was published by Peter Moyer. Over the years it had several names and publishers: in January of 1897 it ... »

Scope and content

More than 2 million negatives taken between 1938 and 2001 by staff photographers at the Kitchener-Waterloo Record (KWR) and its predecessors. Providing a historical look at the Region of Waterloo, the Collection includes documentary photographs of local ... »

Notes area

Physical condition

Nitrate-based negatives have been copied using safety film and replaced. The conversion of negatives from 1939 to 1951 was completed thanks to a grant received by the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation.

Immediate source of acquisition

The bulk of the Collection, consisting of negatives from 1938 to 1981, was donated to the University of Waterloo Library in 1987. At the time of donation it was agreed that the 5 most recent years of negatives would be kept for use by KWR staff and as ... »


Negatives are arranged in cabinets by year, then by caption. Titles are those supplied by newspaper staff as part of day to day operations.

The negatives were used as a working collection by KWR staff. It is not uncommon for negatives to be missing from ... »

Availability of other formats

Negatives are scanned on a case by case basis for preservation and access purposes. A selection of high-quality scans are available for viewing as part of the Kitchener-Waterloo Photographic Negative Collection on the Waterloo Digital Library. Work to ... »

Restrictions on access

KWR photographers sometimes took photos on behalf of the police that may include graphic, upsetting and harmful content. Access to these types of negatives is restricted and noted, where applicable, at the file level.

Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication

Copyright is held by the University of Waterloo Library. The use of material, not currently in the public domain, for commercial purposes, advertising or in association with any product or service is prohibited. Exceptions may be granted on a case by ... »


New accruals ended in 2001 when the KWR shifted to predominantly digital photography.

General note

Special Collections & Archives does not have back issues of the newspaper as part of the department's holdings. Microfilm reels of the newspaper are available as part of the University of Waterloo Library's microfilm holdings. See MIC S118 for more information.

General note

Only photographs taken by Kitchener-Waterloo Record staff photographers are held in the Collection. Photographs taken by other photographers or photographic services that appeared in the paper are not included.

General note

A series of negatives from the 1970s have been refrigerated for preservation purposes, which may cause a delay in accessing requested negatives. For more information about the refrigeration of photographic negatives, we recommend the National Park ... »

Access points

Subject access points

Genre access points

Related subjects

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