Fonds SCA231-GA228 - Dana Harris Porter fonds.

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Dana Harris Porter fonds.

Level of description


Reference code


Dates of creation area


Physical description area

Physical description

2.69 m of textual records and other materials.

Archival description area

Name of creator


Biographical history

Dana Harris Porter was born to Dr. George Dana Porter and Lena Harris of the Massey-Harris family in Toronto, Ontario on January 14, 1901. He attended the University of Toronto for his B.A. which he completed in 1921. In September of that year he ... »

Scope and content

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulate by Dana Porter during his personal and professional career, as well as materials collected posthumously and created and accumulated by his wife and children. Includes photographs, correspondence, ... »

Notes area

Physical condition

Also includes 254 photographs, 10 prints, 23 plates, 2 drawings, 6 paintings, 1 print.

Immediate source of acquisition

Donated by Julian Porter, 2013.


Arranged in ten series as follows:
1. Correspondence ;
2. Dana Porter and Dorothy Parker Family ;
3. Diaries ;
4. Ephemera ;
5. Political and Legal Career ;
6. Scrapbooks and Clippings ;
7. Shakespeare ;
8. Speeches and Addresses ;
9. Visual Materials ;
10. Writings.

Language of material

  • English
  • German

Access points

Place access points

Control area

Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Description by Jessica Blackwell, Spring 2013.
General clean up June 2023 by DR.