Frequently asked questions: Management Science Option

Do you allow a course to count toward the Management Science option if it is being counted toward another option, or do I need a unique set of courses for each one?

Any given course can only be counted for two credentials. Please see the undergraduate calendar, counting of courses. If you have further questions about this, please contact your department undergraduate advisor.

There is a time conflict between the Management Science option course and another course I need to take. Can the option coordinator sign an override form?

The signing of an override form is done by the instructor teaching the course in conflict.

I would like to officially register for the Management Science option. Where do I submit my plan modification form?

Please submit it to your home department. It is up to your home department to approve your registration request.

The Management Science Option lists several electives, but sometimes not all are scheduled. How can I find out which courses will be offered so that I can plan better?

To be certain that you will be able to satisfy your option requirements, it is not wise to leave the electives for your last two terms. Occasionally, courses are cancelled. 

Should I make an appointment to see the option coordinator early in my studies?

This is not needed, as the full listing of eligible courses can be found in the undergraduate calendar. You must submit a plan modification form to your home department for approval and then identify the Management Science option in your 4B application to graduate. If you successfully complete the requirements, you will receive the designation on your transcript at graduation.

Do I need to be an engineering student to earn the Management Science option?


Can the option coordinator give me more information than is in the calendar about a course that I am considering?

The best way to find out about a course is to directly contact the instructor who is teaching the course.

Can I take courses outside of Management Science and Engineering that will count toward the option?

Yes. There is a list of equivalent courses in the undergraduate calendar. You can also ask the option coordinator if a specific course either in another department (such as economics or math) or at another university can count toward the option. Remember, three courses must be labelled MSCI/MSE.

What happens if I want to take both MSCI/MSE 211 and MSCI/MSE 311? How will they count?

One will count toward the required courses and the other toward the elective courses.

Will I need to take extra terms to complete the option?

You should be able to complete the option in eight terms. If you are concerned about this, talk to your undergraduate advisor to help you in planning.

Can I take MSCI/MSE graduate level course to count toward the option?

The general answer is no, since these classes are reserved for our graduate students and are often similar to the undergraduate version of the classes (e.g. 211/605; 331/603).

Where can I find out more?

Please see the undergraduate calendar