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\newcommand{\Name}{YOUR NAME}
\newcommand{\DueDate}{January 7, 2022}

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\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}	% used by bibtex

% reduce spacing between points in \itemize
  \ifnum \@itemdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep\else
% setup running heading/footing
	    \textbf{ANNUAL ACTIVITY REPORT} \hfill \textbf{JANUARY 1--DECEMBER 31, \Year} \\
	    \ \\
	    \textbf{NAME}\ \underline{\makebox[5cm][l]{\ \Name}}\hfill\textbf{DEPT/SCHOOL}\ \underline{\makebox[6.5cm][l]{\ \Dept}}
	}% parbox
    }% evenhead
	    \textbf{JANUARY 1--DECEMBER 31, \Year} \hfill \textbf{ANNUAL ACTIVITY REPORT} \\
	    \ \\
	    \textbf{DEPT/SCHOOL}\ \underline{\makebox[6.5cm][l]{\ \Dept}}\hfill\textbf{NAME}\ \underline{\makebox[5cm][l]{\ \Name}}
	}% parbox
    }% oddhead
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% adjust section heading
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\thispagestyle{empty}			% no heading or page number on first page

\vspace*{-1.5in}			% remove extra space at top of first page
{\Large \bf
{\large \textbf{To be submitted to the Chair/Director by} \underline{\DueDate}}	\\
{\large \textbf{NAME}\ \underline{\makebox[5cm][l]{\ \Name}}\hfill\ \textbf{DEPT/SCHOOL}\ \underline{\makebox[6.5cm][l]{\ \Dept}}}
For evaluation areas that do not apply to you, you may either leave that section blank or you may delete that section entirely.
If there are evaluation areas that you believe are not covered in this template, use the ``Additional Information'' section.


List courses taught (with enrolments in parentheses).
Indicate whether course was taught in regular load (R), on a sessional (S), for future credit (F), or for past debt (D).
Indicate terms you were on sabbatical leave.

\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{Winter \Year}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Spring \Year}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Fall \Year}} \\
		&		&		\\
		& 		& 		\\
		&		&		\\
		& 		& 		\\
		&		&		\\


Describe any special activities in developing or revising courses or laboratories.
If you wish you may submit copies of course notes or other instructional materials that you developed.




List any multi-sectional courses which you co-ordinated in \Year, including terms and numbers of sections.





List graduate students, PDFs and NSERC undergraduate research students for whom you are the principal supervisor.
For each student, indicate the program, status (e.g., full- or part-time, inactive), and the term in which supervision began (e.g., F01).
For those where supervision was completed during the year, please indicate in the last column whether they graduated, transferred to another supervisor, or left the program. All instances of co-supervision should be indicated.

& & & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{} & \\
Student Name & Program & Status & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Progress} & Completion Information  \\
& {\footnotesize \begin{tabular}{ll} $\bullet$ & MMath essay \\ $\bullet$ & MMath thesis \\ $\bullet$ & PhD \\ $\bullet$ & PDF \\ $\bullet$ & UGrad research \end{tabular}} 
& {\footnotesize \begin{tabular}{lp{2cm}} $\bullet$ & Full time \\ $\bullet$ & Part time \\ $\bullet$ & Inactive \\ $\bullet$ & Name of \newline co-supervisor \end{tabular}}
& {\footnotesize \begin{tabular}{lp{2cm}} $\bullet$ & Term \newline supervision \newline began \\ &  \\ & \end{tabular}}
& {\footnotesize \begin{tabular}{lp{2cm}} $\bullet$ & Term \newline supervision \newline completed \\ &  \\ &  \end{tabular}}
& {\footnotesize \begin{tabular}{lp{4cm}} $\bullet$ & Graduated \\ $\bullet$ & Transferred to another \newline supervisor (name) \\ $\bullet$ & Left the program \\ & \end{tabular}}  \\
			& 	& 	& 	& 	&	\\
			& 	& 	& 	& 	&	\\
			& 	& 	& 	& 	&	\\
			& 	& 	& 	& 	& \\
			& 	& 	& 	& 	&	\\
			& 	& 	& 	& 	&	\\
			& 	& 	& 	& 	&	\\


Briefly describe your service on thesis committees for graduate students for whom you are not the principal supervisor.
Indicate the nature of your activity for \Year.



\section*{RESEARCH AREA \underline{\makebox[12cm][l]{\rm\ XXXX XXXX}}}

Please provide a concise one-line statement describing your current, primary area(s) of research.



Give title and full authorship for publications in each of the following four categories for the previous FOUR years (i.e., {\newcounter{prevyear}\setcounter{prevyear}{\Year}\addtocounter{prevyear}{-3}\arabic{prevyear}}--\Year) in reverse chronological order:
Refereed papers (journal articles and conference proceedings) and (contributions to) books which have been published; include year of publication.



Articles accepted for publication that have not yet been published; include year of submission and year of acceptance.



Other articles (manuscripts, research reports, abstracts, letters to the editor, newsletter articles, etc.) including those submitted for publication; specify year of submission, number of pages, and year of acceptance if applicable.



Software distribution





List dates, place, and title of research seminars given, including invited conference talks and contributed conference talks.





Include membership on editorial boards, program committees, or grant review panels.
Indicate the number of articles refereed for journals, books or conferences;
the number of grants reviewed;
and the number of reports written for promotion and tenure decisions.




Grants and contracts held in \Year.
Indicate amount, granting agency, co-investigators, and time period of the award.

\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{Name(s)}}& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Granting Agency}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Amount/Year}} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Period}} \\
	 	&				&			&			\\
	 	& 				&			& 			\\
	 	&				&			&			\\


Details of involvement in managing research and/or administrative enterprises connected with Centres or Institutes (University, Provincial or Federal).




Describe consulting and other professional activities in \Year, including contract work through WRI, professional seminars, etc.
Estimate the total number of days spent on these activities in this year.




\emph{Policy 73 (https://uwaterloo.ca/secretariat/policies-procedures-guidelines/policies/policy-73-intellectual-property-rights) requires disclosure of
\item licensing or distribution activity related to software or other IP during \Year
\item all publication, issuance, rejection or abandonment of patent applications in Canada or elsewhere during \Year.
}% emph





Administrative appointments, committee memberships, high school liaison activities, advising of students not listed on p.~2, etc.
Provide an estimate of the TOTAL hours spent each term.

\paragraph{Winter \Year}
Total hours for Winter: 0

\paragraph{Spring \Year}
Total hours for Spring: 0

\paragraph{Fall \Year}
Total hours for Fall: 0


Special activities in societies, conference organizing committees, local community activities, etc.
Please be sure to include all significant external work; if in doubt, consult with the Chair/Director.



For verification purposes, please indicate the weights for the R/S/T components that you believe are in effect for \Year.
Note that this is {\bf not} a mechanism to request a change in weights that you wish to have applied;
it serves only to verify that the weights you believe are in effect are consistent with the records in use by your Chair/Director. For weights that have changed midway through the evaluation cycles, please indicate the dates of each weighting scheme, and weighted average.

\item R: 40\%
\item S: 20\%
\item T: 40\%


Please list any honours, awards, or other recognition that you received in \Year.




Additional information that you believe should be taken into account in assessing your performance for \Year.

