%%%For UWaterloo Crowdmark Support please email cmadmin@uwaterloo.ca 
%%%This template includes a 1.5 inch gap at the top of each page for Crowdmark-generated QR code.

\documentclass[legalpaper,12pt]{article} % use this for legal
\special{papersize=8.5,14}               % use this for legal
\usepackage{array, amssymb, tikz, relsize, fancyhdr, afterpage}

\usepackage[top=1.5in, bottom=0.8in, left=.65in, right=.65in]{geometry}
\rfoot{Page \thepage}


%%Title of Test

{Crowdmark Latex Template - Midterm}}\\[1mm]

%%Student Info
\textbf{UWaterloo Email:} \rule{4.55in}{.3mm}\\[3.5mm]
\textbf{Last Name} \rule{5.15in}{.3mm}\\[3.5mm]
\textbf{First Name} \rule{5.1in}{.3mm}\\[3.5mm]
\textbf{Student ID} \rule{3.1in}{.3mm}~~~\textbf{Section} \rule{1.2in}{.3mm}

%%Test Info

Date \>  ~~\\[1.5mm]
Time Period \> :00 .m - :00 .m.\\[1.5mm]
Duration of Exam \>  \\[1.5mm]
Number of Test Pages \>  pages ( pages double-sided)\\[1.5mm]
Total Possible Marks \> 50\\[1.5mm]
Additional Materials Allowed \> None. (NO CALCULATORS)


%%Instructions for Students


Write your UWaterloo email, name and ID number at the top of this page. 

\item[2.]  Please note that there are questions on both sides of the page.  

\item [3.] Answer the questions in the spaces provided.  If you require additional space to answer a question, please use the second last page and refer to this page in your solutions. You may tear off the last page to use for rough work.

\item[4.] {\bf Your grade will be influenced by how clearly you
express your ideas, and how well you organize your
solutions.  Numerical answers should be in exact values. }


%%Optional Marking Scheme
{\bf Marking Scheme:}
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline
{\bf Question} & {\bf Out of}\\ \hline
1 &   3  \\ \hline
2 &   5  \\ \hline
3 &  6 \\\hline
4 &   10  \\ \hline
5 &  9 \\ \hline
6 &  10 \\ \hline
7 &  7 \\ \hline\hline
Total &  50 \\ \hline


%%First Page of Test

\section*{How to Create a Crowdmark Assessment}

 \item Inform Karen Ertel at New Media Services (kaertel@uwaterloo.ca) that you would like them to handle the printing and scanning of your assessment.  Provide dates and times of test and how soon after the test you would like to begin grading.
 \item Prepare your assessment using Word, LaTeX etc and save as a pdf. Leave a gap at the top of each page and sufficient space to answer each question.  The default setting is 1 question per page.  Sub-questions on the same page are fine but the total for the whole page is what the grader records.
 \item Sign in at crowdmark.com and click on Create an Assessment of Type ``Administered".  Permissions to create an assessment are required.  Contact cmadmin@uwaterloo.ca to arrange.
 \item Browse your computer for the pdf of your assessment and upload to Crowdmark.  Select double-sided printing so that questions appear on both sides of the page.  
\item Paste list of UWaterloo student emails expected to write test.   (You can obtain a list of student usernames from Learn or Quest, add a blank column in excel and concatenate username with ``@uwaterloo.ca".)
\item Include 5 extra copies for each test room. 
\item Generate the large pdf of tests to be printed.  This pdf contains a copy of the assessment for each student and every page has a unique QR code.
\item Submit to kaertel@uwaterloo.ca at New Media Services using sendit.uwaterloo.ca.  You will also need to provide an account number to charge the printing and scanning costs to.  Check with your department administration.
\item \textbf{For final exams scheduled and administered by the Registrar's Office, you must submit your exam template through odyssey.uwaterloo.ca/teaching.  Information will be provided closer to the end of the term.  Please email cmadmin@uwaterloo.ca for guidance.}


%Second page of test 
\section*{How to Prepare for Grading a Crowdmark Assessment}

\item Once your assessment has been created, it will appear under "My Assessments". 
\item Click on your assessment and under ``Team" you will be able to Invite graders to your team.
\item Add kaertel@uwaterloo as Uploaders for your assessment.  Paste email addresses of your marking team of TA's and instructors and assign the correct role for each.  Graders can grade assessments only (likely TA's), Facilitators (likely instructors) can administer, invite team members, upload, match and grade assessments, and Uploaders can upload scanned assessments only.
\item You will now be able to add more student user information in addition to the email address for each student.  To match the assessments, you may find it useful to have other criteria.  You may also want the students organized by section number when downloading the grades after marking.
\item Click on ``Students" from the left hand menu and ``Upload Metadata".  You can add a csv file with each student's email, UW userid, section number, first and last name.  This should match the information a student has written on the front page of their test.
  \item Prepare a marking scheme for your team and assign markers to questions.  You can easily divide the marking of a single page among several markers.  (Marker A marks students 1-12, marker B grades 13-24, marker C grades 25-36 etc.)   You will be able to reassign the marking if some questions turn out to be slower to grade.
\item If you have a marking scheme in place, you can enter the maximum points per page by clicking on the ``Questions" tab.  You can also change the name of a question/page (for example Q1a, Q1b if your question is split over two pages).  This can be an aid to direct graders to the correct question they are marking.


%Third page of test

 \section*{How to Grade a Crowdmark Assessment with your Team}

\item Tests will be distributed to students as usual.  There is no need for assigned seating to distribute the Crowdmark tests.  However, feel free to use a secondary assigned seating as you like.  You can set up a midterm or final exam with assigned seating through odyssey.uwaterloo.ca/teaching.  Please contact Isaac Morland ijmorland@uwaterloo.ca for details.
\item After tests are written, bring them to New Media for scanning (GSC 1167). 
\item New Media will begin uploading scanned tests onto Crowdmark so that preliminary marking may begin.  
\item The Dashboard for the assessment shows the marking speed for each page (evaluations per hour) and the progress of the overall marking at anytime.
\item The grading grid displays the students (numbered in rows) and pages of the exam (in columns).  Click down/up arrow (or use shortcut keys ``j"/``k") to move to the next/previous student. Click the right/left (``l"/``h") arrows to move to the next/previous question.
\item Comments that are repeated often are saved to allow for quick entry.  The comment feature also supports Markdown for chemical equations and LaTex for math.  Check marks (``c"+click) and X's (``x"+click) can be dragged or clicked onto the page.
\item One score is entered on each page.  If a question has multiple parts, or two questions appear on a page, the grader can enter the breakdown of marks as a comment on the paper.
\item Matching assessments to students can be done at any time during the marking process by the facilitator(s).  The cover page of each assessment is viewed and the user information written by the student must be matched to the user information (metadata) stored in Crowdmark.  
\item When the marking is complete, the grades can be downloaded as a file containing the user information (metadata) for each student with their total grade as well as the breakdown of marks per page.  
\item Statistics on grades per question as well as overall scores are displayed to the instructor and the student (optional).
\item A link can be sent to the student's email so that they can view their marked assessment. (\textbf{Do not choose this option for final exams}).


%%Second last page that may be used by students to finish any of the questions on the paper.  Should not be torn off

Clearly state the question number being answered and refer the marker to this page. \\


Clearly state the question number being answered and refer the marker to this page.\\


%Last page may be torn off by students to use as scrap paper.  A good page to include any formulas provided.


This page may be torn off and used as scrap paper.  

This page may be torn off and used as scrap paper.  