Eye care during Covid-19

As of May 1, 2023, the Optometry Clinic has shifted from universal masking to a mask-friendly policy.

What this means:

· Masks will no longer be required anywhere in the Clinic, including in the exam rooms.

· Masking is optional - anyone’s choice to wear a mask will be respected and supported.

· The Clinic will continue to make masks available to any patient/support person who would like to wear one but who doesn’t have their own.

· The Clinic may reintroduce universal masking based on disease activity, during respiratory illness season and based on Public Health/government guidance and recommendations.

If you/your caregiver are feeling unwell, please stay home and contact the Clinic to reschedule your appointment. This will help to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our patients, Clinic personnel and community.

How we’re reducing the risk of infection

The health and safety of patients and clinic personnel is a top priority. The clinic is following all required infection prevention and control measures set out by Public Health and other recognized authorities and will adjust its approach as required, as new evidence and requirements become available.

In the Clinic:

· Air purifiers in patient treatment rooms and other high-risk/high-density areas throughout the Clinic

· Fabric-covered chairs replaced by ones that can be more easily cleaned and disinfected

· Patient traffic flows in one direction (when possible)

· Signage regarding respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene

· Hand sanitizers are located at the entrances / exits and service desks

· Common areas are cleaned / disinfected regularly

· Examination rooms are cleaned / disinfected at the beginning of each day, between patients, and at the end of the day

In Optical Services:

· Appointments are recommended for prompt service, but walk-ins are welcome.

· One-hour service is available on select prescriptions.

General tips to avoid the spread of illness:

Practice good hygiene:

· Wash or sanitize your hands often.

· When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your arm to reduce the spread of germs. If you use a tissue, throw it away as soon as possible and wash/disinfect your hands.

· Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Physical Distancing

· Keep a distance of two metres from other people.