On Friday, June 29th during the 2017 CAO Congress, the School of Optometry & Vision Science was pleased to announce the recipients of the 50th Anniversary Distinguished Alumni of Honour Awards in front of over 500 practitioners from across the country.
In honour of our 50th, we expanded our awards program to acknowledge graduates from each decade that we have been at the University of Waterloo as well as recognize an alumnus from prior to 1967. Recipients are UW graduates who have been nominated by their peers.
Recipients have made outstanding contributions to their communities and to the profession, whether it be locally, provincially, nationally, and/or internationally; they have taken on leadership roles and supported community causes and have advocated for optometry, research and optometric education for the advancement of vision care and the betterment of Canadians and citizens world-wide.
Congratulations to:
George Woo, OD’64
He established UW’s low vision clinic, research program and Centre for Sight Enhancement, started the Polytech University optometry program and served as President of the World Council of Optometry. He has been described as an esteemed leader, educator, researcher, clinician, a political savant and a visionary. Full bio (PDF).
Graham Strong, OD 1970, MSc 1983
A passionate advocate for low vision rehabilitation services. He has served as the Director of the School and Director of the Centre for Sight Enhancement where he helped create a procession of highly innovative device technologies for people with vision loss. He is also an "Expert Witness - Forensic Optometrist". Full bio (PDF).
Susan Cooper, Class of 1977
She has been extensively involved with the College of Optometrists of Ontario, established and developed the IOBP program at the School, is involved with the American Academy of Optometry, Optometry Giving Sight and is Past President of the World Council of Optometry. Full bio (PDF).
Bill Bobier, OD 1978, MSc 1982, PhD (Cambridge)
He has served on almost every committee at the School, including serving a term as the Director while also sharing his expertise across UW and throughout the profession. His dedication to teaching and research in paediatrics and his advocacy for optometry and vision science sets him apart as someone who jumps in, leads and inspires. Full bio (PDF).
Scott Mundle, Class of 1983
Scott has been extensively involved in the profession and has served on countless committees with the MAO and the CAO serving as President of both organizations. He is incoming President of the World Council of Optometry and Chair of Optometry Giving Sight. He is very active in his community, giving his time and support. Full bio (PDF).
Derek MacDonald, Class of 1992
Derek has served on multiple committees with the College of Optometrists of Ontario and the OAO, serving as OAO President. He is an advocate of inter and intra professional collaborations and is a founding member of the Eye Health Council of Ontario. He is an active researcher and an accomplished CE lecturer. Full bio (PDF).
Andrew Hartwick, OD 1999, MSc, 2000, PhD (Dalhousie)
Since joining the faculty at the College of Optometry at Ohio State University, he has quickly established himself as a research leader, looking at the visual neuroscience with current emphasis on traumatic brain injury. He has taken on leadership roles focused on advancing knowledge and disseminating information to the profession. Full bio (PDF).
Cheryl Bayer, Class of 2008
Cheryl has received the “Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award” from the Women Business Owners of Manitoba. She is actively involved with the MAO and is currently the Assistant Registrar. She is involved with the CNIB and volunteers with community organizations. She recently received the MAO “Optometrist of the Year” award. Full bio (PDF).