Launch of the Living with Dementia Web Resource

Thursday, November 15, 2012
Below you'll find some images from Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program (MAREP)'s launch of the Living with Dementia website. 
Lead by Dr. Sherry Dupuis and Lisa Loiselle at the Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program at the University of Waterloo and Dr. Carrie McAiney in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences at McMaster University, the Living with Dementia resource, available in both English and French, was created by persons living with dementia, family members, and professionals working in dementia care using participatory action research. 
The three year project has involved: 
  1. identifying the information needs of persons newly diagnosed and their families; 
  2. searching out and assessing existing resources designed for persons and families experiencing dementia; 
  3. creating a resource that was relevant, accessible and useful to both persons with dementia and their family partners in care;
  4. and pilot-testing the tool with persons with dementia, family members, and professionals.

The research-based tool is intended to help enable those diagnosed with dementia and their families to live well and prepare for the road ahead.  

In early November, nearly 60 people involved in the creation and support of this project came together to celebrate the fruits of this collaborative effort and to see the finished product.

 Co-Lead Lisa Loiselle demonstrates the website  to those gathered to celebrate the launch on Wednesday November 7, 2012.

Co-Lead Lisa Loiselle demonstrates the website to those gathered to celebrate the launch on Wednesday November 7, 2012.
Computer Stations set up so that attendees could browse the site.

Computer Stations set up so that attendees could browse the site.

Please send the Living with Dementia website link to anyone who might benefit from this wonderful resource.