Safety First
Make sure that the patient can go safely from dawn to sunset without meds. If they can’t, refer the patient to their Imam for other ways to honour Ramadan.

Adjust Time of Meds
Adjust oral meds so patients need to take them only 1-2 times per day (at dawn and/or sunset). Remember to adjust pharmacy labels, blister pack labels and to notify the prescriber.
Adjust Types of Meds
If the dosing times cannot be adjusted, consider a different treatment option. Try to choose medications (such as antibiotics) that are taken only once or twice daily.

Adjust the Timing of the Fast
If someone cannot fast over a long summer day, they can make up their fast over the shorter winter days.
Consider the Condition
Conditions such as diabetes, migraine and hypertension need special attention. Encourage patients to eat suhoor (morning meal) and to stay hydrated. Adjust drug doses as needed.