Analysis seminar

Friday, September 21, 2012 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Parasar Mohandy, Indian Institute of Technology

"Space of completely bounded Lp multipliers and its pre-dual"

Let G be a locally compact group. G. Pisier considered the operator space
structure (oss) on Lp(G) by developing operator space complex interpolation. In this oss one can define completely bounded Lp(G) multipliers. It is natural to ask whether the space of completely bounded multipliers on Lp(G) denoted by Mcbp (G) is strictly contained inside Mp(G), the space of multipliers on Lp(G). For p = 1 and 2 it can be shown that these two spaces coincide. In this talk we will see that Mcbp (G) ( Mp(G) for any infinite locally compact abelian group G. In the process one can get the cb version of Herz's multiplier homomorphism theorem.
It is well known that pre-dual of Mp(G) can be identified with Figa-Talamanca-Herz algebra Ap(G). We will address the question of pre-dual of Mcbp (G).