Geometry & Topology seminar

Wednesday, January 23, 2013 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Calder Daenzer, Penn State University

“T-duality and Picard stacks”

T-dualization is a transform of geometric spaces which, when applied to appropriate space- time models, is supposed to induce an equivalence of string theories. This duality plays a cen- tral role in modern theoretical physics, but is also very interesting within pure mathematics, because a full understanding of the phenomena involved requires the use of orbifolds, gerbes, and noncommutative geometry, and furthermore, T-duality is at the core of both homological mirror symmetry and the geometric Langlands correspondence.
I will give a broad overview of T-duality, and then describe my recent work in which T-dualization is realized as a transform of Picard stacks.