International research

There are several requirements for conducting international research:

  1. Fieldwork travel and risk management forms are to be completed and submitted to the Safety Office.
  2. Pre-departure briefings are to be completed through the Waterloo International office.
  3. A country, outside of North America, may have regulations for conducting research by foreign researchers. Refer to the guidelines on human participant protections regulations, guidelines and laws by country.
    • You must determine if there are any regulations and respond to these requirements. For example, you may need:
      • have a collaborator within the country.
      • submit a research ethics application to a government agency, or
      • obtain a research visa.
      • If an application is to be submitted to a government agency this can take several months prior to starting the research.

Visit the Waterloo International website for important information including resources, support, and other details about travelling abroad.


Obtaining the necessary approvals to conduct research in Thailand can be extensive and time consuming. Be sure to contact the Office of International Affairs at the National Research Council of Thailand for more information and the requirements for conducting research in Thailand.


All foreign researchers doing research in Indonesia must obtain an official permit from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (RISTEK) prior to arrival. General requirements and points of consideration should be carefully considered with your local collaborator prior to submitting an application.  Ethics review by an Indonesian Ethics Review Board may be required, and material transfer agreements are required to take digital information or samples out of the county.  Penalties for carrying out research without a permit can include fines or imprisonment.