Thriving in Retirement

Thursday, January 2, 2025
by Rose Vogt

Thriving in Retirement-January 2025

Sunsetting through trees on winter walk at Huron Trail

Now that the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is behind us, let's take a moment to consider how we will thrive in retirement in the coming year.  Below are a few resources that may be of interest. You can also review our UWRA Resources and Related Sites webpage for expanded lists of informative sites and services.

Thriving in 2025: 5 ways to stick with your health goals. This is a blog post from McMaster Optimal Again Portal.

University of Waterloo Policy#4: Benefits to Faculty and Staff undertaking part-time educational programs. Eligible full-time faculty and staff members enrolling in UW degree-credit courses (excluding courses in a full cost recovery program) will receive free tuition for up to two courses per term. Retirees receiving a UW pension are eligible for the educational benefit only for credit courses taken at UW. 

Region of Waterloo - Older Adult Health. The Region of Waterloo helps older adults live well through education and other supports, including many programs and services that improve quality of life. 

City of Kitchener - senior fitness. Kitchener offers programs that help seniors stay active and healthy. They also partner with community groups to support a wide range of activities and volunteer opportunities for seniors.

UWRA Events. A variety of events from presentations, social gatherings, and outdoor walks are posted on the UWRA website.  Get started with our recurring drop-in event...the Brew Crew...meeting at 10 AM every second Thursday at Conestoga Mall Tim Horton's.

Looking forward to staying connected in the New Year!

Your UW Retirees Association.