Debunking myths about GMOs

January 30, 2025

As part of the Trust in Research Undertaken in Science and Technology (TRuST) series at the University of Waterloo, Nobel Laureate Sir Richard Roberts flatly debunked fears and misinformation about GMOs, highlighting their potential to fortify global food security. The TRuST series fosters cross-disciplinary collaboration aimed at improving public trust in science.

Roberts was invited to Waterloo by fellow Nobel Laureate and TRuST network’s co-director, Dr. Donna Strickland, to deliver a lecture on the value of GMO crops, animal food and beyond. A British biochemist and molecular biologist, he won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine alongside Phillip Allen Sharp for discovering introns in eukaryotic DNA and the mechanism of gene splicing." ... Read more here: