
ECE 628 Computer Network Security





This course focuses on the  fundamental principles of how to  secure computer networks. The topics to be covered include applied cryptography, encryption and authentication, semantic security, attack analysis, network security protocols, wireless  security, implementations and side-channel attacks,    trusted platform, advanced cryptographic algorithms, and applications of IoT, blockchain, and privacy preserving machining learning.

Taught in 2015, 2019

Read more about ECE 628 Computer Network Security

ECE 458 - Computer Security



Offer: 2020, 2022

This is an introductory course for computer security. The course will consist of five modules and cover the topics of models of security, attacks on program and operation system, practical cryptography, threats to networks and wireless system, web security, secure design principles, evaluation, privacy, and applications. 

Read more about ECE 458 - Computer Security

ECE 716 - Communication Security



Offer: 2020, 2022

This is an advanced course for communication security. The topics to be covered  include semantic security, attack analysis, network security protocols, network access authentication, wireless security, broadcast and multicast key distribution, system security, trusted platform, IoT security and privacy, physical layer security, anti-jamming,  advanced cryptography, multi-party computation, zero-knowledge proof system, and special topics on privacy of blockchain and smart contract, and securing machine learning. 

... Read more about ECE 716 - Communication Security