I. Hydrological, climatic and biogeochemical controls on phosphorus mobilization in agricultural landscapes
- Experimental and observational work on hydrobiogeochemical processes
- Control of non-growing season processes in surface and subsurface flow/tile drainage
- Vadose zone hydrologic and biogeochemical processes
- Freeze-thaw cycles and nutrient dynamics
- Developing predictive relationships and metrics for nutrient mobilization
- Importance of climate drivers such as frost and precipitation form on nutrient mobilization
- Soil reactivity and phosphorus retention in croplands
- *Currently seeking MSc and PhD students for funded projects*
II. Control of land management practices on nutrient mobilization in agricultural landscapes
- Using nutrient management and 4R Nutrient Stewardship to reduce phosphorus losses
- Cover crops and phosphorus retention on fields
- Impacts of drainage control on phosphorus mobilization from fields
- Effects of tillage practices on phosphorus losses in tile drain effluent
- Working with farmers, government and agencies in developing solutions for Canadian farms
- *Currently seeking MSc and PhD students for funded projects*