
Author [ Title(Desc)] Type Year
Elton-Marshall T, Driezen P, Fong GT, Cummings KM, Persoskie A, Wackowski O, et al. Adult perceptions of the relative harm of tobacco products and subsequent tobacco product use: Longitudinal findings from Waves 1 and 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study. Addictive Behaviors. 2020;
Yong H-H, Fong GT, Driezen P, Borland R, Quah ACK, Sirirassamee B, et al. Adult smokers' reactions to pictorial health warning labels on cigarette packs in Thailand and moderating effects of type of cigarette smoked: Findings from the International Tobacco Control Southeast Asia Survey. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2013;15:1339–1347.
Li L, Borland R, Cummings KM, McNeill A, Heckman BW, Fong GT, et al. Are health conditions and concerns about health effects of smoking predictive of quitting? Findings from the ITC 4CV Survey (2016–2018). Tobacco Prevention & Cessation. 2020;6:60.
Subramaniyan M, Yee A, Hairi FM, Kaai SC, Nordin ASA, Danaee M, et al. Are smoking restrictions at public venues and psychosocial beliefs associated with intentions to quit smoking among smokers in Malaysia?. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. 2022;
Hammond D, Reid JL, Driezen P, Thrasher JF, Gupta PC, Nargis N, et al. Are the same health warnings effective across different countries? An experimental study in seven countries. Nicotine & Tobacco Research. 2018;
Li L, Borland R, O'Connor RJ, Fong GT, McNeill A, Driezen P, et al. The association between smokers' self-reported health problems and quitting: Findings from the ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Wave 1 Survey. Tobacco Prevention & Cessation. 2019;5.
Taylor E, Arnott D, Cheeseman H, Hammond D, Reid JL, McNeill A, et al. Association of fully branded and standardized e-cigarette packaging with interest in trying products among youths and adults in Great Britain. JAMA Network Open. 2023;6:e231799.
Gravely S, Driezen P, Shahab L, McClure EA, Hyland A, Cummings KM, et al. Associations of cannabis use, high-risk alcohol use, and depressive symptomology with motivation and attempts to quit cigarette smoking among adults: Findings from the 2020 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2023;
Park E, Cho S, Seo HG, Kim Y, Jung HS, Driezen P, et al. Attitudes of Korean smokers towards smoke-free public places: findings from the longitudinal ITC Korea Survey, 2005–2010. BMJ Open. 2019;9:e025298.
Zethof D, Nagelhout GE, de Rooij M, Driezen P, Fong GT, van den Putte B, et al. Attrition analysed in five waves of a longitudinal yearly survey of smokers: findings from the ITC Netherlands survey. European Journal of Public Health. 2016;
Kyriakos C, Driezen P, Girvalaki C, Hitchman SC, Filippidis FT, Gravely S, et al. Awareness and correlates of noticing changes to cigarette packaging design after implementation of the European Tobacco Products Directive: findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys. European Journal of Public Health. 2020;30:iii98–iii107.
Lim J, Lee JA, Fong GT, Yan M, Driezen P, Seo HG, et al. Awareness and use of e-cigarettes and vaping behaviors among Korean adult smokers: ITC 2016 Korean Study. Journal of the Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. 2018;9:S11–S21.
Lotrean LM, Trofor A, Radu-Loghin R, Eremia M, Mihaltan F, Driezen P, et al. Awareness and use of heated tobacco products among adult smokers in six European countries: findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys. European Journal of Public Health. 2020;30:iii78–iii83.
Lee EO, Seo HG, Fong GT, Yan M, Driezen P. Awareness of Korean Adults Smokers about National Smoking Cessation Programs in Korea: Findings from the 2016 International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Survey Korea. Journal of the Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. 2018;9:S22–S30.
Driezen P, Abdullah AS, Nargis N, Hussain AKMG, Fong GT, Thompson ME, et al. Awareness of tobacco-related harms among vulnerable populations in Bangladesh: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Bangladesh Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016;13:848.
Gravely S, Driezen P, Ouimet J, Quah ACK, Cummings KM, Thompson ME, et al. Awareness, trial, and use of electronic cigarettes among adult current smokers and ex-smokers in 14 countries with differing EC sale regulatory policies: Results from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project. Addiction. 2019;
Elton-Marshall T, Fong GT, Zanna MP, Jiang Y, Hammond D, O'Connor RJ, et al. Beliefs about the relative harm of "light" and "low tar" cigarettes: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) China Survey. Tobacco Control. 2010;\\19:i56–i62.
Nogueira SO, Driezen P, Fu M, Hitchman SC, Tigova O, Castellano Y, et al. Beyond the European Union Tobacco Products Directive: smokers' and recent quitters' support for further tobacco control measures (2016-2018). Tobacco Control. 2021;
Kyriakos CN, Fong GT, C. Perez deAbreau, Szklo AS, Driezen P, Quah ACK, et al. Brazilian smokers are ready for the ban on flavour additives in tobacco to be implemented. Preventive Medicine. 2022;160:107074.
Wadsworth E, Driezen P, Pacula RL, Hammond D. Cannabis flower prices and transitions to legal sources after legalization in Canada, 2019–2020. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2022;231:109262.
