Should I take a gap year?

Friday, November 29, 2019
by Kyrie H., Grade 12 HS student blogger

take a gap year?
Should I take a gap year or should I go straight into University? I’ve asked myself this many times and have even sought opinions from family and friends, however, I’m still undecided. Taking a gap year would give me more time to work full-time and earn enough money to support myself through my first year of University studies. If I take a gap year, my main concern is whether it will be a disadvantage to my studies. I don’t think it will as I can simply apply during my last year of high school and then defer my Offer of Admission to the following year. Deferring my Offer of Admission simply means to formally request to postpone my studies at a University while still upholding a place at the University, any scholarships I’ve received, and residence will be guaranteed. However, I can only defer an Offer of Admission for one academic year, meaning I can only take one year off before having to go back to school, otherwise, I can lose my spot in University. If I go straight into University I’ll get a head start on my education and can enter the workforce much sooner, starting my future career at a younger age. However, I may stress about my finances while I’m in University which can affect my studies. Additionally, starting University right after high school may result in me making the wrong choice about what program I want to go into since I’m so young and potentially rushing into things. Taking an extra year before University gives me the chance to save up as well as think about my choices and some extra time to mature and gain experiences. Not everyone will have the same choice or the same experience, so picking what works best for me is what I will do, however, I do need to consider all my options.