% % Show a text-based progress meter for Matlab: % progress(current, start, end) % % Plots a bar, and gives time remaining in seconds/minutes/hours, based % on how the 'current' value compares to the 'start' and 'end' values. % current, start, and end must all be real scalars % % Example: % for i=1:100, % progress(i,1,100); % % do something computationally intensive here % end % % % P. Fieguth % 2009 % function progress(cv,lv,hv) global progress_time progress_ltime progress_val progress_parms progress_strlen if (lv>=hv), lv=hv-1; end; if (cv<lv), cv=lv; end; if (cv>hv), cv=hv; end; backchar = sprintf( '\b' ); if (isempty(progress_parms)) || sum(abs(progress_parms-[lv hv]))>0 || cv<progress_val progress_val = lv; progress_parms = [lv hv]; progress_time = clock; progress_ltime = clock; progress_strlen = 0; else if ((cv-progress_val > (hv-lv)/50) || (etime(clock,progress_ltime) > 2)) nd = round(55*(cv-lv)/(hv-lv)); ns = 55-nd; s = [45*ones(1,nd) 32*ones(1,ns)]; t = 0; u = 'sec'; if (cv > lv) t = etime(clock,progress_time)*(hv-cv)/(cv-lv); end; if (t > 120), t = t/60; u = 'min'; end; if (t > 120), t = t/60; u = 'hrs'; end; strout = sprintf( '%3d%% [%s] (Left: %3d %s)',round(100*(cv-lv)/(hv-lv)),char(s),round(t),u); fprintf( 1, '%s', ones(1,progress_strlen)*backchar ); fprintf( 1, '%s', strout ); progress_strlen = length(strout); progress_val = cv; progress_ltime = clock; end; if (cv >= hv), fprintf( 1, '%s', ones(1,progress_strlen)*backchar ); end; end;