Spatial Input Through Image Rocognition

Design team members: Kyle Morrison, Al Amir-Khalili, Christopher Best

Supervisor: Alexander Wong


Many of us have been frustrated when try to perform some visual task on the computer, whether it be resizing some data table, moving an object in a CAD program, panning across a document, or selecting some text that you wish to copy. There are times when you wish you could reach into the computer and physically grab that object, and perform the manipulation manually. The aim of this project is to allow such physical manipulation to be integrated with computerized design.

Project description

The proposed design draws upon image processing, physical markers and physical image projection to create an integrated physical computing system for the user. The markers will be detected by the camera and processed by the computing system. Based on an analysis of these markers, their meanings will be superimposed on top of them by the projector. The end result is that the user will have real-time physical input to the computerized system, allowing for fast and intuitive manipulation of objects.

System concept

It should be noted that the current system is application agnostic. It could be used for applications like board games, urban planning, military strategizing, interior design, or any of the host of applications that can benefit from the ability to physically manipulate a two-dimensional space.

Design methodology

  • Design a Marker: The group will design a class of markers which are comfortable and intuitive for a person to manipulate, which can represent a variety of spatial planning tasks, and which can be easily recognized using computer vision for the input to the system. This will involve researching the state of the art in marker design from an image recognition perspective, developing requirements from a user perspective, and combining these into a simple, robust design.
  • Implement a Recognition Algorithm: The group will implement a computer vision algorithm which takes an image with the above markers and captures the spatial information they represent. This will involve researching how to design or adapt such an algorithm given the other constraints imposed by the model. In particular user interference like hands and arms temporarily obscuring markers will need to be accounted for. Also, the algorithm will need to compensate for the effects of projecting things onto the markers themselves. The algorithm(s) used will be optimized so that real time feeling performance can be achieved.
  • Design a Visual Overlay Model The group will design an overlay which renders additional information from the model, such as dimensions, conflicts, and visual representations for display to the user. It will be necessary to research and determine what information is useful for the chosen application, and how to display it most clearly. For example, a floor planning model might show a warning when a fire exit was obstructed. In a battle planning scenario, it could show line of sight. The visual overlay will be take input in forms which are translatable from the output of the marker recognition subsystem.
  • Integrate Into a Physical System: A surface will be designed on which the markers can be manipulated with augmented display information projected onto it in real time. Integrating all these components will give the overall effect of a virtual display which has physical handles by which it can be manipulated.


The two areas of research were for determining the appropriate hardware for the project, and developing proper software systems to utilize this hardware. The first area dealt mostly with determining a suitable capture and projection system, and we eventually decided on the PlayStation Eye for the capture device and back projection to display the virtual design.
For the software, we delved into state of the art circle detection and bit extraction methodologies, but eventually decided that homespun algorithms developed specifically for this application would yield the best results. This is because the design of the marker and projection environment is also determined by us, and thus can be designed in such a way to make detection and recognition tasks easier.

Design and analysis

A set of markers will be designed to act as machine-recognizable components of a physical scene. An image detection algorithm will be implemented in C++ using the OpenCV computer vision library to recognize these markers in real time. A physical prototype will be created using consumer electronics which allows input into a virtual application through manipulation of the physical markers. The system will project information into the physical scene, making the application fully interactive.


Different tests are to be done at each of the design stages. Such tests include testing the Worst Case Execution Time (WCET), maximum number of unique markers detected, maximum number of repeated markers detected, response to obstructions, etc. However, for the purpose of a holistic test, the design symposium serves as an ideal medium for obtaining user feedback on the responsiveness and intuitiveness of the finished integrated system.