News Release: The Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre has ceased its regular programming. Grebel will remain an affiliate member of the Toronto School of Theology. Some other TMTC activities will likely continue under the leadership of other institutions. There will be final virtual event in Fall 2023. More information will be posted here when available. – Jeremy Bergen, TMTC Director

Laena Maunula

Research Fellow

Leana MaunulaLaena Maunula is a qualitative public health researcher focused on the intersection of public health, ethics, and the sociology of health and illness. Her recent work has focuesd on projects concerning pandemic preparation and response, qualitative studies ov vaccine hesitancy, and public perceptions of pandemic risk. Maunula brings a strong background in public health and sociology to her current interest on issues at the intersection of public health and Christian mission.

Toronto Mennonite Theolgoical Centre
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