@inproceedings{31, keywords = {affective computing, human factors, mobile interfaces}, author = {Deltcho Valtchanov and Mark Hancock}, title = {EnviroPulse: Providing Feedback About the Expected Affective Valence of the Environment}, abstract = {

Interacting with nature is beneficial to a person\&$\#$39;s mental state, but it can sometimes be difficult to find environments that will induce positive affect (e.g., when planning a run). In this paper, we describe EnviroPulse\—a system for automatically determining and communicating the expected affective valence (EAV) of environments to individuals. We describe a prototype that allows this to be used in real-time on a smartphone, but EnviroPulse could easily be incorporated into GPS systems, mapping services, or image-based systems. Our work differs from existing work in affective computing in that, rather than detecting a user\&$\#$39;s affect directly, we automatically determine the EAV of the environment through visual analysis. We present results that suggest our system can determine the EAV of environments. We also introduce real-time affective visual feedback of the calculated EAV of the images, and present results from an informal study suggesting that real-time visual feedback can be used for induction of affect.

}, year = {2015}, journal = {Proceedings of the 2015 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}, pages = {2073\textendash2082}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, isbn = {978-1-4503-3145-6}, doi = {10.1145/2702123.2702510}, }