@misc{42, author = {Changjian Li}, title = {Autonomous Driving: A Multi-Objective Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach}, abstract = {
Autonomous driving is a challenging domain that entails multiple aspects: a vehicle should be able to drive to its destination as fast as possible while avoiding collision, obeying traffic rules and ensuring the comfort of passengers. It\&$\#$39;s representative of complex reinforcement learning tasks humans encounter in real life. The aim of this thesis is to explore the effectiveness of multi-objective reinforcement learning for such tasks characterized by autonomous driving. In particular, it shows that: 1. Multi-objective reinforcement learning is effective at overcoming some of the difficulties faced by scalar-reward reinforcement learning, and a multi-objective DQN agent based on a variant of thresholded lexicographic Q-learning is successfully trained to drive on multi-lane roads and intersections, yielding and changing lanes according to traffic rules. 2. Data efficiency of (multi-objective) reinforcement learning can be significantly improved by exploiting the factored structure of a task. Specifically, factored Q functions learned on the factored state space can be used as features to the original Q function to speed up learning. 3. Inclusion of history-dependent policies enables an intuitive exact algorithm for multi-objective reinforcement learning with thresholded lexicographic order.
}, year = {2019}, volume = {MASc}, month = {05/2019}, address = {Waterloo}, url = {https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/handle/10012/14697}, }