Web Advisory Committee (WAC) Meeting

Wednesday, January 19, 2011 - Needles Hall (NH) 3001 - 3:00 pm


Lara Babalola, Mary Lynn Benninger, Janice Cooke, Michelle Douglas-Mills, Don Duff-McCracken Sarah Forgrave, Guillermo Fuentes, Eva Grabinski, Lauren Harrison, Pat Lafranier, Christine Liebig, Tammy Marcinko, Paul Miskovsky, Kris Olafson, Kevin Paxman, Terry Stewart (Chair), Kelley Teahen, Evan Truong, Jonathan Woodcock, Chris Gray, Marlon Griffith, Adam Hewgill, Janet Janes, and Wendy Philpott


Marta Bailey, Amy Aldus, Dave Annable and Isaac Morland

1. Chair's remarks

Welcome to Ellen Rethore - Ellen had a conflicting meeting and will be invited back to the next WAC meeting for a more detailed discussion. *

Welcome to visitors from the Waterloo Content Management System (CMS) Team: Chris Carignan, Jeff Voskamp, Heather Wey, Kris Olafson (WAC member), Lauren Harrison (WAC member). *

NH 3001 has been booked for the remainder of the Winter term for the WAC meetings

Information Systems and Technology (IST) - Skills for the Electronic Workplace (SEW) courses. Two courses are being offered. 1) Effective Web Content Planning-What you have and how to move things forward and 2)Writing for the Web.

Alan George informed Terry that the Domain Name Report was presented to Executive Council. It was accepted "enthusiastically." The Chair thanks the members of the sub-committee.

Kelley clarified the article on the Daily Bulletin of January 10th - Communications and Public Affairs (CPA) is inviting people to submit photos to a "photo bank" for use on University of Waterloo web pages. The team will decide at a later date if the photos will be rotating or sequential and depending on the number of submissions. The photos will be shared with Faculties where appropriate.

External network has been slow. IST Network Services is working on fixing this.

2. Approval of November 17, 2010 Minutes - approved as distributed

3. Introduction of Associate VP - Communications and Public Affairs

Tabled to next meeting

4. Redesign update (Sarah Forgrave)

The Phasing Protocol has been released and there will be a presentation on January 31st - 2-3 pm in Math and Computer building (MC) 2009; to work through how it is applied - these are for Dreamweaver templates only. A number of sites have already adopted the Phasing Protocol. Engineering will release and adopt the information architecture in March. Sarah will send a list of the departments that have adopted the Phasing Protocol. Instructions are at http://web.uwaterloo.ca/ * Wordmarks - finalize from campus direction - how to have them developed and what they will look like * Privacy statement link will be wider * Grey colour not favoured by some academic support units * Schools and centres are unclear when to be using which colour for direct unit versus faculty. The team is meeting and this issue will be finalized. * Central support training - working with Heather Wey. * Parallel home page. At this point it appears that the home page will be a static html page with a link to the beta site (typical at a lot of other universities).

5. CMS update (Eva Grabinski)

See Eva's Powerpoint presentation.) The four key deliverables of the project are configuration, pilot websites, implementation and strategy plan and training and support. All deliverables including Engineering as the early adopter and its move into CMS should occur in September 2011.

Upcoming pilot demos - blogging capability at January WAC; housing iteration is a February 18 [[http://ist.uwaterloo.ca/istweb/profdev/profdev.html][IST PDAG seminar]] and Waterloo main pilot another IST seminar on March 18.

User interface testing for Drupal is scheduled for March 2011. Assessing the readiness of Drupal 7 will also take place in March. The team is meeting with other universities to discuss lessons learned, best practices and to share information. Megan McDermott has joined the CMS implementation team.

Demonstration of blogging capability

http://blogs.uwaterloo.ca/. There are concerns about spam comments but Kris assured that users will need to authenticate but does caution that there is no moderation turned on at this point. Assigning groups in the system will need to be improved as it is currently a drop down.
There are challenges with WYSIWYG editing. Team should look at whether these are being reinvented or could we potentially borrow from others.

6. Optimal growth and maintenance of the web (Mary Lynn Benninger)

Governance continues to be an issue - particularly with regards to who decides who gets to do what and how to do it? Accessibility/integrity; "policing content" etc.
Strategically what should be done with duplicate sites? For example, the Registrar's Office points to the housing website for information regarding residence. Should this be grouped as a whole and how do we move forward?
A subcommittee was struck to look at governance and report back at the next Web Advisory Committee meeting. First order of business would be to make a decision on whether WAC should send a recommendation to Web Steering on the need for a Web Governance Policy for campus.
Working group: Mary Lynn, Kelly, Christine, Guillermo, Michelle, Jonathan, Megan, Janice, Wendy and Terry.

7. Next meeting - February 16, 2011 - 3:00 pm - NH 3001

*Meeting adjourned - 4:35 pm*

-- TerryStewart - 31 Jan 2011