Web Advisory Committee (WAC) Meeting

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

1. Opening Remarks

Approval of minutes of October 20th meeting

Information Items and followup from previous meeting

2. University of Waterloo branding initiative

Kelly reported that the Branding exercise has gone ahead with approval from Dean's Council.

3. Web survey to determine Customer Centric Index

Will be provided at no cost to the university. Survey will run in mid January. Kelly will distribute survey to WAC prior to campus wide distribution. We will receive a summary of results as well as a comparison with other Universities.

4. IT Review

Goeff gave a brief introduction to the IT review. He asked for 30 minutes at our next WAC meeting and will distribute the discussion questions prior to the meeting.

5. Privacy statement

Karen confirmed plans to add an Analytics link to the Privary page. Karen and Megan are working out details of how the privacy statement will appear at the bottom of the page. Change will be communicated to web communications list.

6. Web Content Management Systems (WCMS)

Organization and overall plans
Megan and Terry will co-lead WCMS project.

WCMS - Communications Subgroup [[https://sharepoint.uwaterloo.ca/sites/WCMS/Communications Minutes/WCMS Communications Plan.docx][Communications plan]]

Message has been on Daily bulletin and distributed to web list.

Communications framework describes communication plan for each group.

Important that WAC members connect with colleagues to keep then informed about project.

WCMS Needs assessment subgroup
Survey of [[http://web.uwaterloo.ca/webform/wcms-content-contributor-survey][Content contributors]] 1 [[http://web.uwaterloo.ca/webform/wcms-designerdevelopersite-administrator-survey][Website designers, developers administrators]]

[[http://web.uwaterloo.ca/webform/wcms-system-administrators-needs-assessment][Systems Administrators]]

Focus groups: Communications Committee, University Committee on Information Systems and Technology (UCIST), Associate Deans, WAC.

WAC discussion topics: Which of the following are most important to you and your constituents? Which should be priorities for improvement?

Cost - Total cost of ownership - Software licensing, ease of web page maintenance, training,

Functionality - meeting the information requirements of your audience: Searching, Web forms, accessibility, sharing content

Image - reflecting the image of the University pursuing global excellence: Consistent image, state-of-the-art layout and design,

* Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), functionality and image are all important * Functionality is most important - will the solution allow us to do what we need to do. * Image results from proper management of web services that are provided. * TCO will become more important in the future.

Technology assessment subgroup [[https://sharepoint.uwaterloo.ca/sites/WCMS/Technology%20Assessment%20Minutes/GameBreakers.html][Basic requirements ("game breakers")]]

Package assessments - Have narrowed list down to 6 - 4 open source, 2 commercial. * Are installing sand boxes for Drupal and dotnetnuke. * Are arranging demo for RedDot. * Are looking for volunteers to help with testing.

WAC discusssion topics:

  • How important is it that the system is based on our current primary Web architecture (Unix/Apache vs Windows/IIS)?
  • What's most important is that the solution meets our needs.
  • Faculties are more comfortable with Unix/Lamp environments.
  • Lots of enthusiasm for Open Source; Information Systems and Technology (IST) likes vendor supported solutions.
  • Would you expect your constituency to move to a campus supported WCMS? * lots of support from Library and academic-support units * Faculty requirements may be different.
  • What impediments would you foresee in this move? * some want to be able to "do their own think" * faculties may have distinct requirements
  • Would you expect to run your own instance of the WCMS system? If so, why?

6. Concluding remarks

* Update to UCIST on 5th or 19th.
* WatItIS presentation to given by Megan and Terry.
* web.uwaterloo will act as Web update vehicle for University.
* There is still room in the Search Engine Optimization course.

-- Paul Snyder