Web Advisory Committee meeting (December 18, 2013)

December 18, 2013–  MC 2018 – 3:00 p.m. 


Terry Stewart (Chair), Darren Bondy (Secretary), Tanya Balian Bedrossian, Kirsty Budd (for Virginia Young), Janice Cooke, Michelle Douglas-Mills, Donald Duff-McCracken, Chris Francis, Marlon Griffith, Karen Jack, Andrew McAlorum, Tammy Marcinko, Collin McIntyre, Liam Morland, Kris Olafson, Rose Padacz, Elizabeth Rogers, Susan Shifflett, Andrea Sweet, Jeff Voskamp (guest),Heather Wey


Amy Aldous, Cynthia Breen, Daniel Allen, Marta Bailey, Jim Johnston, Amy Meredith, Megan Saunders, Virginia Young


Dave Annable, Cynthia Breen, Nigel Henriques, Paul Miskovsky

1. Chair’s Remarks (Terry Stewart)

  • One item of other business: Digital Media Asset Management
  • The Chair announced that he will be stepping down  due to other work commitments; Web Steering has begun a search to find a new Chair.

2. Approval of Minutes.

  • The minutes of  November, 2013 were approved as posted.

​3. Busines​s Arising

  • None.

4. Digital Initiatives Update (Andrea Sweet)

  • Mark McKay has been appointed as the new Director of Digital Initiatives; Mark starts on January 6.

  • Updates to the WCMS:

    • Implementation of logo into the header.

    • Yellow or gold that is in template now will be slightly modified to be similar to the shield.

    • All of the headers will be black now.

    • Gold bar below the header will be removed.

    • Adding an additional site footer template that will enable Faculty or Departments to display their own official logos. The new one will have a wider first column to fit logos.

    • Decisions made about supporting approved co-brands for Senate-approved research centres. Full width banners will be available with the new release; Version 1.8.

5. Waterloo CMS Update (Heather Wey/Kris Olafson)

  • Version 1.8 will be released in January.

  • Accessibility module is still very much in development. Will keep an eye on it.

  • Need to work on file deletion. 

  • Buttons on the right side similar to those on the CIW website will not be a part of the 1.8 release but will possibly be launched in a smaller release shortly after.

  • There have been increased meetings with CPA more with regards to theme updates. Trying to avoid having to make changes more than once in terms of whether or not it will be compatible with the Responsive Web Design (RWD).

    • How would we know if it will effect responsive? We have to look at it case by case.

    • Still a group working on the publications module? Think we should push that until after responsive.

  • Courses for January are still being finalized.

  • Co-op training: still have a few spots left; Open it up to other groups as well.

  • Reminder to site managers to review permissions and remove roles of previous co-ops.

  • Last day for drop-in lab tomorrow; drop-ins will be half days in the new year.

Questions & Comments

Q: Any idea of a timeline for Responsive Web Design?

A: Will begin to discuss RWD in January. Would like to have something in place by the summer; would move sites over one at a time.

Q: What is the best way to learn the functionality for the new updates?

A: A page on the web resources site which will list all of the changes. Bigger updates will include a “how-to” document. If a change/update is made and there is no “how-to” document and you would like one, send Heather an e-mail and we will put one together. Drop-in labs are also a good resource to use when learning a new function.

​6. Accessibility Report (Rose Padacz) 

  • Working to ensure that we are compliant and to create a terms of reference for accessibility on campus.
  • Disclaimer/statement that is to go on websites informing visitors that we are working towards making all content accessible is currently under review. Will discuss the wording of the statement with Karen Jack.
  • An update on this committee will be a reoccurring agenda item for WAC.
  • Captioning Committee
    • A committee has been formed to review captioning on campus.
    • The goal of the committee is to create a best practices guideline for in captioning of in-house projects.
    • Will report more information to WAC on this committee a future meetings. 

7. Other Business

  • Update from the Digital Media Asset Management Committee (Pascal Calarco)
  • In late June 2013, both Engineering and CPA started to inventory their collections, using a modified and simplified process that the Records Manager in the Secretariat has used for in inventorying university records
  • Three Library staff began consulting with Engineering, CPA, and the Library’s Special Collections & Archives to come up with a suitable Dublin Core (http://dublincore.org/) simple metadata profile, and work on taxonomy/controlled vocabulary lists
  • Procurement was finalized and went through final approval with Archimedia (the Ottawa consulting company who we will be working with) receiving the PO on October 24th.
  • Andrea and Dave Hinton met with Colin Rowe from Archimedia to discuss timeframes and server logistics on October 29 at the end of October
  • The software was installed in late November, and the project team met just before then to touch base on metadata work that had been ongoing throughout the summer
  • Video is supported but there is a capacity issues right now so it is not implemented. Decisions will have to made on supporting video. 
  • A fuller update at WAC will be available from the Project Manager for this phase of the project, Andrea Sweet in CPA at the February meeting of Web Advisory
  • There was a buy-in for this project. If you are interested in this you have to buy in.
    • 50 licenses = $13,000 to purchase, plus a maintenance fee of about $2,000 per year. 

9. Next M​eeting 

  • 3:00-4:30p.m., January 15, 2014. MC 2018 a/b

10. Meeting Adjourned at 4:00 p.m.