WCMS 3 work:
- convert "publication references" to "references"
- remove Kuali bullet styles override
- make expand/collapse block contents properly visible when the block is used in a sidebar
- implement an accessible replacement for the carousel (slideshow) library
- make opportunities content in listing blocks display with styling
- determine what is necessary to get us to Drupal 10 with minimal changes
- create a "safe exit" menu option
- fix keyboard focus trap in search elements in Safari
- make Ohana use our own repo
- work on emergency notifications workflow
- make link block links without a title use page title as link text when the link is to site content
- add theming for new contact/profile styling options
- create a code-based admissions requirements form
- change catalog category display to show nested items directly
- add authorship info to user-editable taxonomy terms
- review and update automated tests
- hold development review sessions
- test, and release the next feature release of WCMS 3, and start building the subsequent one