Saying Farewell to President Wendy L. Fletcher

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Word cloud with words used to describe Wendy. The larger terms are: Caring, Visionary, Poised, Wise, Astute, Vibrant, and Inspired.

A word cloud made up of words used by members of the Renison community to describe President Wendy L. Fletcher.

Before Dr. Fletcher’s term ends in June 2024, we have asked community members to reflect on what her leadership has meant to them, and offered a word to describe her (shown in the word cloud above). We had a huge response; the following is just a small selection of what was submitted, but demonstrates the lasting impact of President Wendy L. Fletcher. Note: the selected submissions have been edited for length. 

"Thank you, Wendy, for your outstanding leadership" - Charmaine Dean

"Your calm, kind and measured leadership is very much appreciated, and you will be missed by the Renison and Waterloo communities." - Jean Becker

"As you prepare to embark on your next journey, I find myself reflecting on the indelible mark you've left on our institution and on each of us personally. Your tenure as president has been nothing short of visionary, deeply rooted in a genuine care for the human experience that defines our community." - Grant Leach

"Your collaborative and dedicated approach has served both Renison and the University of Waterloo well." - Allan Starr

"I see her soul through her smile!" - Sita

"Your energy, excitement, vision, dedication and commitment are contagious" - Scott McLeod

"You don't know the extent of the positive impact you have made on the Renison community. Your kind, respectful and positive leadership has meant a lot to me and to the community." - Anonymous

"It has been really important to me to see a woman as our president and see [Wendy] act as a leader, make difficult decisions, tell people things they don't want to hear, and be her authentic, compassionate self throughout." - Christine Logel

"Thank you for your stewardship and leadership of Renison University College. You are a delight to work with!" - Cathy Newell Kelly

"Sending you all best wishes and many thanks for being such a thoughtful and collaborative colleague!" - Sheila Ager

"You are an excellent leader and your legacy will continue for many years to come." - Jacinda Reitsma

"I am reminded of what Plato said in Book 5 of his Republic when describing the Guardians for his ideal state. They must be strong, brave, and loyal he says. And, unusual for his times, they could be male or female. Wendy was this and more." - Brian Hendley

"Thanks so much for your leadership, and the warmth and thoughtfulness that you always shared with those around you." - Jeff Casello

"Your contributions to your academic community and your example of earnest, joyful and steadfast leadership are valued more than you will ever know." - John Abraham

"Thank you, Wendy, for being such a thoughtful and committed AFIW colleague. It has been a pleasure to work with and get to know you." - Peter Meehan

"Wendy has always been incredibly warm and welcoming, helping me to feel like part of the team since day 1." - Anonymous

This is part of the 2024 Renison Reports publication. Return to the Renison Reports page for other articles.