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Student Evaluation
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Each year, every student enrolled in the graduate program must submit an annual report of their activities. This important and essential report provides the basis for assessing students' progress.  In the annual report, students are expected to provide evidence that they are progressing satisfactorily. The doctoral program emphasizes research activity; therefore, the annual report provides an extremely important aspect of the department's evaluation procedure. While the specific procedures for evaluation vary from area to area, the following aspects are common to all program areas.

The evaluation occurs at the end of the academic year (during the month of May). The student's evaluation encompasses several criteria, i.e, course grades, reports submitted by the student on research completed or in progress, and teaching assistantship activity. Typically, the student's entire record is considered by all faculty members in the program area in addition to the research supervisor and/or any other faculty member associated directly with the student's program. For all programs the evaluation provides an intensive assessment of the student on the basis of criteria relevant to competence as a professional psychologist in the chosen area. While course marks represent only one aspect, it is important to note that an average of at least 75% (B) must be maintained.

The evaluation committee forwards its written recommendation (i.e., that the student's training be continued, terminated or continued on probation) to the Graduate Affairs Committee for its approval. The student receives direct feedback by either their faculty advisor or by the student's program evaluation committee.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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