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Financial Assistance
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The department provides financial support to graduate students in the form of teaching assistantships, research assistantships and scholarships. Full-time MA students are guaranteed four teaching assistantships during their program and full-time PhD students are guaranteed eight teaching assistantships, contingent upon the achievement of satisfactory progress in their degree programs (see below). In addition, there are a number of scholarships awarded each year to students with superior academic records (normally, a minimum A- average). Both incoming and continuing students are automatically considered for these awards.

In order to be eligible for financial support made available by the department, students are required to make satisfactory progress in their academic programs. An important indicator of "satisfactory progress" is the timely completion of basic academic program requirements (namely, graduate course work and thesis proposal, comprehensive examinations and the language requirement). Details regarding financial assistance and the assessment of satisfactory progress through the program are outlined in the "Guidelines on Graduate Student Progress and Financial Support" (available from the department's Associate Chair, Graduate Affairs).

Note: Students are also reminded that there are other external scholarships (e.g. OGS, SSHRC) for which they may apply. They should contact the Associate Chair, Graduate Affairs for information. See also: President's Graduate Scholarship.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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