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The Graduate Calendar

Faculty of Arts

School of Accountancy

Faculty Members
Barnett, J.J., BComm (Queen's), CA, Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
Professor, Associate Director for Masters and Professional Programs, Deloitte & Touche Professor in Accounting
Laiken, S.N., BA (Western Ontario), MBA (Wharton), PhD (Western Ontario), CBV, Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
Professor, Associate Director, Research, Ernst & Young Professor in Accounting
† O'Brien, P.C., AB(Cornell),MBA,PhD(Chicago)
Associate Professor, Associate Director, Undergraduate Programs
Russell, G.W., BComm, MBA (McMaster), CMA, FCMA, Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
Associate Professor, Graduate Officer, Co-Director, PhD Program, KPMG Professor in Accounting
† Macnaughton, A., BA (Wilfrid Laurier), PhD (British Columbia)
Continuing Lecturer, Undergraduate Officer
Charters, D.R. , BA (Queens), JD (Toronto), MBA (Wilfrid Laurier)
Associate Professor, Co-Director, PhD Program
† Webb, R.A., BComm (Mount Allison), PhD (Alberta), CA
Lecturer, Director, Master of Taxation Program
Kraft, D., BBA (Laurier), MTax (Waterloo), TEP
Continuing Lecturer, Associate Director, Master of Taxation Program
Robson, J., BA, MAcc (Waterloo), CA, CPA
Professor, Gordon H. Cowperthwaite Professor of Accounting
Armitage, H.M., BSc (McGill), MBA (Alberta), PhD (Michigan State), CMA, FCMA, Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
Professor, Ontario Chartered Accountants' Chair in Accounting
† Boritz, J.E., BA, MBA (York), PhD (Minnesota), CISA, CA, FCA
Associate Professor, David C. Higginbotham-PricewaterhouseCoopers Fellow in Accounting
† Sivakumar, R., MSc (Indian Inst. Techology, India), MBA (Temple), PhD (Alberta)
† Atkinson, A.A., BComm, MBA(Queen's), MSc, PhD (Carnegie-Mellon), FCMA
† Gunz, S.P., BA, LLB, MA (Sydney), MBA (Manchester)
Associate Professor
† Bandyopadhyay, S., BTech (Indian Inst. Technology, India), MBA (Indian Inst. Management, Calcutta), PhD (Iowa)
† Douglas, A.V.S., BA (Carleton), MA, PhD (Queen's)
Kennedy, D.B., BMath (Waterloo), MBA (McMaster), MS, PhD (Cornell), CMA
† Vetzal, K.R.1, BA, MA, PhD (Toronto)
† Wiedman, C., BA, MAcc (Waterloo), PhD (Cornell)
Assistant Professor
Chen, C., BA (Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing), MA (Peking, Beijing), PhD (Wisconsin)
Huang, A.G., BA (Wuhan, China), MS Finance (Shanghai, China)
Kotchetova, N.V., BS (South Alabama), PhD (Georgia State)
Lim, J-H., BA (Fort Hays), MA, PhD (Kansas)
Stratopoulos, T., BA, MA (Athens), PhD (New Hampshire)
Pamukcu, O., BS Finance (Carnegie-Mellon)
Robinson, L., BComm (Manitoba), CA, CPA, CA-IFA
Sproule, R., BComm (Carleton), CMA, MBA (Calgary)
Vert, D.F., BBA (Laurier), CA, CBV, CA-CBV
Adjunct Associate Professor
Herauf, H.M., BComm (Saskatchewan), MBA (Michigan), CA
Continuing Lecturer
Vanden Bosch, N., BA, MAcc (Waterloo), CA, CMA, CMC
Distinguished Professor Emeriti
† Boyle, P.P., BSc (Queen's, Belfast), MSc, PhD (Trinity, Dublin), FIA (London), FCIA
Hanna, J.R., BComm (McMaster), MBA, PhD (Michigan), CA, FCA
Scott, W.R., BComm (Carleton), MBA, PhD (Chicago), CA, FCA
School of Accountancy/Computer Science
Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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