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The Graduate Calendar

Faculty of Engineering

School of Architecture

Faculty Members
Associate Professor, Director, The School of Architecture
Haldenby, E.R.M., BArch, BES (Waterloo), Recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award
Associate Professor, Associate Director (Rome)
Pignatti, L., Laurea in Arch, MArch (Toronto)
Associate Professor, Associate Director, Undergraduate Officer
Boake, T., BES, BArch (Waterloo), MArch (Toronto)
Associate Professor, Associate Director, Graduate Officer
Rynnimeri, V., BES, BArch (Waterloo), MA (Guelph)
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Cummings, L.A., AB (Washington), AM (Missouri), PhD (Washington), Recipient of the OCUF (Ontario) Teaching Award
Thompson, F., M.Arch, University of Toronto
University Professor
van Pelt, R.J., Cand.Lit., Drs.Lit., D.Lit. (Leiden)
Associate Professor
Beesley, P., BFA (Queen's) Kingston, DipTech (Humber), BArch (Toronto), OAA, MRAIC, Prix de Rome (Canada)
Elmitt, M., National Diploma in Design (High Wycombe)
Macdonald, M-P., BArch (TUNS), MDESS (Paris VIII), OAQ, MRAIC
McKay, D., BArch (Toronto)
McMinn, J., AA Dip (London), BA (McGill), Prix de Rome (Canada)
Revington, D., AA Dip (London), Pris de Rome (Canada)
Seebohm, T. 1, BEng, MEng, PhD (McGill), MArch (California, Berkeley), OAA, PEng
Sliwka, R., DipArch Assoc Arch (Huddersfield), MArch and U Design (Washington), RIBA
Straube, J.F.2, BSc, MASc, PhD (Waterloo), PEng
Assistant Professor
Sheppard, L., BArch (McGill), MArch (Harvard)
Thun, G., BA (Western), MES, BArch (Waterloo)
Winton, T., BES, BArch (Waterloo), MArch (McGill), PhD (Cambridge)
Adjunct Professor
Schuster, R.M., BS, MS (North Dakota State), PhD (Iowa State), PEng
Adjunct Associate Professor
Gastmeier, W., BSc, MASc (Waterloo), PEng
Hui, V., BES, MArch (Waterloo)
Hunt, B.R., AA Dip (London), RIBA, OAA, MRAIC
Hunt, L., BES, BArch (Waterloo), OAA
Levitt, A., AA Dip (London, England)
Ross, B., BES, BArch (Waterloo)
Wiljer, R., BA (Waterloo), MA (Ottawa)
Continuing Lecturer
Andrighetti, R., BES, BArch (Waterloo)
Faculty Member of Architecture holding cross and/or joint appointment to Fine Arts
Faculty Member of Architecture holding joint appointment with Civil Engineering

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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