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The Graduate Calendar

Fine Arts (Studio Art)


Master of Fine Arts
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Full-time students will require five consecutive terms to complete this program, which begins in the fall term. It is expected and required that students reside in the Waterloo area during their period of active enrollment and make regular use of the studios provided.

The Fine Arts Department offers an MFA program on a part-time basis to a limited number of students. Part-time students are not eligible for Teaching Assistantships, Scholarship support, or the Shantz Summer Internships. The part-time MFA program takes a minimum of 6 terms to complete; the maximum is 15 terms. Please contact the Fine Arts Graduate Officer for further details.

Admission Requirements

  • Applications will be considered from those who have completed a four-year Honours BA or BFA or equivalent with a B average (75%) or better.
  • Applicants will be required to complete an application form, provide 20 slides of recent work, a short statement of intention and a resume. In addition, an example of an upper level 8-10 page paper, preferably in art history, is required, as well as transcripts and three letters of recommendation.
  • Proof of competency in English (if applicable). A score of at least 600 is required in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) [250 on the computerized version]. (See Academic Regulations - English Language Proficiency Certification for other acceptable tests of English.)
  • Applicants without a degree or formal academic qualifications, but showing exceptional promise ,may be recommended for admission only in exceptional circumstances. Such prospective applicants should contact the Fine Arts graduate advisor prior to submitting their application.

The deadline for applications to the Master of Fine Arts program is February 15th.

Degree Requirements

In their first term, MFA students, under the supervision of the First Year Committee, will carry out work in their chosen area of specialization in FINE 690 and will also complete the first of three required elective courses. In addition, MFA candidates will take the first of a series of seminar courses, one of which is required during each fall and winter term. These courses will deal with the issues which concern contemporary artists and critics. At the end of the first term, in consultation with the MFA candidate, a faculty advisor will be selected for each student. This advisor will act as chair of the candidate's MFA committee, which is made up of the faculty advisor and one other faculty member appointed by the Fine Arts Department Graduate Officer.

Course Grades Required: Any candidate receiving a grade of less than 75% in one or more classes may be required to withdraw from the program.

Following is a term-by-term breakdown of the MFA degree requirements:

  • Term One (Fall)
    • FINE 690 Graduate Studio (1.0)
      individual studio work supervised by the faculty as a whole final critique and marking at the end of term to be held in conjunction with an exhibition in front gallery
    • FINE 680 Issues in Contemporary Art 1 (0.5)
      graduate seminar involving presentations, readings, critiques and research paper (5-8 pages)
    • FINE 694 Topic 1: Contemporary Art (0.5)
      lecture course on contemporary art

  • Term Two (Winter)
    • FINE 681 Issues in Contemporary Art 2 (0.5)
      continuation of FINE 680
    • completion of research paper (15-20)
    • FINE 691 Graduate Studio 2 (1.0)
    • Elective (0.5)
      to be chosen in consultation with student's committee--usually in the department but can be elsewhere in the university

  • Term Three (Spring)
    • FINE 692 Graduate Summer Studio (1.0)
      final marking in September to be in conjunction with an exhibition of summer work
    • Internship Program
      • six weeks at thirty hours a week working as an assistant to a professional artist (department does not set up connection between student and artist but will help in making contacts as needed)
      • funds available ($5000 plus $2000 for travel)

  • Term Four (Fall)
    • Milestone: Graduate Thesis Exhibition (2.0)
      studio work under supervision of committee directed toward thesis exhibition
    • FINE 682 Graduate Senior Seminar 1 (0.5)
      presentations, critiques, readings and artist's statement (10 pages)
    • Elective (0.5)
      chosen in consultation with committee--usually elsewhere in the university, but can also be in the department

  • Term Five (Winter)
    • FINE 683 Graduate Senior Seminar 2 (0.5)
      completion of artist's statement
    • Milestone: Graduate Thesis Exhibition (2.0)
      (Students will automatically be enrolled in the Graduate Thesis Exhibition milestone during their first term in the program.)
      The final Graduate Thesis Exhibition, accompanied by an extended artist's statement, is to be held at the end of the winter term (sometime between late March and the end of May) in a public gallery.

At the conclusion of the last term in the MFA program, each candidate will mount a solo exhibition of work completed in their area of specialization. The MFA candidate will defend his/her work before a defence committee (which will include an external examiner) to ensure that the candidate's work has been carried out at a high standard of professional competence.

Duration of Program

Full-time students will require five consecutive terms to complete this program, which begins in the fall term. It is expected and required that students reside in the Waterloo area during their period of active enrollment and make regular use of the studios provided.

Keith and Win Shantz Summer Internships

During six weeks of the spring term, as part of the course FINE 692 (Graduate Summer Studio), qualified students work as interns in the studios of established professional artists in order to learn about the business aspects of working as an artist. Travel funds are provided in addition to a stipend. Contact the Fine Arts Graduate Officer for details of this program.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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