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Statistics and Actuarial Science


Doctor of Philosophy
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Doctoral Programs are offered in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science in: Statistics, Statistic - Biostatistics, and Actuarial Science.

Admission Requirements

  • a Master's degree in statistics or actuarial science, completed or expected;
  • at least an overall B+ (78%) average from a Canadian university (or its equivalent);
  • three letters of reference, normally from academic sources;
  • proof of competency in English (if applicable), including a TOEFL score of at least 600 and TWE of at least 4.5 for students required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language. A score of at least 250 is required on the computer version of the TOEFL. (See Academic Regulations - English Language Proficiency Certification for other acceptable tests of English.)
    • Application Deadlines: Application deadlines for the PhD program are:

      • Fall term (September): February 1 of the same year
      • Spring term (May): December 1 of the previous year

      Applicants who are not citizens or permanent residents of Canada and who are not already in Canada on a student visa should apply at least two months earlier than the above dates, to allow time for a visa application.

      Degree Requirements

      The PhD degree is awarded by the Faculty of Mathematics to candidates with a broad knowledge of statistics who have demonstrated a satisfactory level of achievement in research in a field of the program. The normal requirements for the PhD degree are outlined as follows:

      Statistics and Statistics - Biostatistics:

      • satisfactory completion of eight one-term (0.50 unit weight) courses with an overall average of at least 70%; these courses must include Stat 901 and Stat 908;
      • students may petition the Graduate Operations Committee for a reduction of up to three courses. Three factors will be considered in determining the course reduction. They are: number of graduate courses taken prior to entry in the PhD program that are equivalent to a 900-level course in our Department; strong performance on the PhD comprehensive examination (Part I); and the number and breadth of graduate courses previously completed with a mark of at least 85%
      • satisfactory completion of the research and teaching seminar during the first year of the program. Students who have successfully completed this requirement in their master's program will be exempt;
      • satisfactory performance in a comprehensive examination arranged by the department;
      • the satisfactory presentation of at least three seminars or lectures (PhD Student Lecturing Requirement);
      • the submission and defence of a thesis, embodying the results of original research.
      Actuarial Science:
      • satisfactory completion of eight one-term courses with an overall average of at least 70%; these courses must include three 900-level ACTSC courses, Stat 901 and Stat 850;
      • students may petition the Graduate Operations Committee for a reduction in the course requirements by up to four courses. Three factors will be considered in determining the course reduction. They are: number of graduate courses taken prior to entry to the PhD that are equivalent to a 900-level course in our Department; strong performance on the PhD comprehensive examination (Part 1); and the number and breadth of graduate courses previously completed with a mark of at least 85%
      • satisfactory completion of the research and teaching seminar during the first year of the program. Students who have successfully completed this requirement in their master's program will be exempt;
      • satisfactory performance in a comprehensive examination arranged by the department;
      • the satisfactory presentation of at least three seminars or lectures (PhD Student Lecturing Requirement);
      • the submission and defence of a thesis, embodying the results of original research.

      PhD Comprehensive

      All PhD students in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science are required to pass a PhD comprehensive examination. This examination is divided into two parts, Stage I and Stage II. Students are automatically enrolled in comprehensives during their first term in the PhD program. According to University regulations and departmental practice, all Stage I requirements must begin within four terms of a student's first registration in the PhD program.

      Stage I Comprehensive Examination

      In Stage I of the PhD Comprehensive, the aim is to ensure that the candidate has an adequate knowledge of topics covered in the Honours Statistics program at the University of Waterloo. To demonstrate that he/she has this adequate knowledge, the student will normally be required to write a formal comprehensive examination designed to test the student's ability to integrate the material from several topic areas (courses).

      Alternative examination methods may be utilized by the Examining Committee to determine if the results are a true indication of the candidate's knowledge of the material. For example, if the Committee feels that the candidate has the knowledge of the material in a topic, but has not been able to demonstrate it in the written examination, the Committee may conduct an oral examination for that topic. The choice of the examination method is at the discretion of the Examining Committee.

      Stage II Comprehensive Examination

      The Stage II Comprehensive Examination is a diagnostic examination, the purpose of which is to test a candidate's preparedness to undertake thesis research. The format of this aspect of the comprehensive requirement is that of a public, oral presentation of a thesis proposal, followed by questioning from the student's Stage II committee and any other members of the university community who may be present. A written thesis proposal is submitted prior to the examination. Normally, the Stage II examination must be completed within seven full terms of enrolling in the PhD program.

      The Stage II Comprehensive Examination Committee consists of the supervisor and at least two additional faculty members from the Department. The composition of the Stage II committee must be approved by the Graduate Committee, and the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies will act as a neutral chair of the committee of examiners, or will appoint a faculty member to serve in that capacity.

      PhD Student Lecturing Requirement

      Each candidate for the PhD degree is expected to deliver at least three seminars or lectures during his or her program. The purpose of this requirement is to provide students with an opportunity to improve their presentation skills. Each lecture/seminar should be attended by one, or preferably two, departmental faculty members.

      PhD Thesis

      The PhD thesis examination, which is the culmination of the candidate's research efforts as a graduate student, is divided into two stages: 

      1. Departmental Thesis Presentation
      2. University Thesis Defence.

      Departmental Thesis Presentation

      PhD students are required to present the results of their research before interested members of the department. This departmental thesis presentation is intended to fulfill several purposes. Candidates have an opportunity to practise their presentation skills and to gain valuable experience in answering questions about their work in a public setting. As well, faculty and graduate students who are interested in the thesis topic are provided with an overview of the candidate's research prior to the actual thesis examination.

      PhD Thesis Examination

      The candidate shall defend the thesis in an oral examination before an Examining Committee, which shall consist of the supervisor(s), two faculty members in the Department, one faculty member from outside the Department, and an external examiner familiar with the student's research field. The committee is approved by the Faculty Graduate Committee. (See Graduate Studies Calendar: Academic Regulations - Minimum Requirements for the PhD Degree )

      Graduate Studies Office
      Needles Hall, Room 2201
      University of Waterloo
      Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
      519 888 4567 x35411
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