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Financial Assistance for Students
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Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Scholarships and Fellowships, Ontario Graduate Scholarships, Ontario Mental Health Foundation Fellowships, National Health Bursaries, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Postgraduate Scholarships, Queen Elizabeth II Scholarships, Mental Health Training Bursaries, CIHR and other awards are tenable for graduate study at the University of Waterloo. Students who wish to apply for the above mentioned awards should do so by completing the application forms available at the university they are currently attending or by visiting the appropriate website for on-line applications. Students are also eligible for teaching assistantships and, occasionally, research assistantships. Students enrolled in the Applied training programs (e.g., Clinical, Educational Psychology, etc.) frequently earn money in summer work settings which are a part of the formal training program. Research assistantships, teaching assistantships, fellowships and other awards may be combined in various ways yielding a range of student stipends from $6,000-$16,000 per year.

Students who are newly accepted as graduate students by the Department of Psychology will be informed at the time they are accepted about the support that may be available to them.

Students residing in countries other than Canada are advised that many of the above sources of financial aid are available only to those who are citizens of Canada or who have permanent resident status. Also, a large proportion of the financial assistance for graduate students who are Ontario residents comes from the Ontario Government.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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