Alumni message

Wanda K. Deschamps joined Applied Health Sciences (AHS) as Director of Advancement in July, 2015 after four years at the University of Regina, three of them as Associate VP (Development), and a decade as a consultant at KCI (Ketchum Canada Inc.).

When I decided to come to Waterloo, I was prepared to meet a community of hard-working students, brilliant researchers, and dedicated alumni. But what has truly delighted me is the generosity with which I’ve been welcomed by everyone. Thank you all for being so warm and gracious.

I am proud of our accomplishments, committed to our vision, and 100% focused on helping you — loyal AHS alumni — stay connected to us in whatever way is most meaningful to you. Maybe that means helping you find an experience that could benefit from your input as a volunteer or mentor. It could mean finding a research project or scholarship program that matches your interests, and needs your financial support to flourish. Or it might be advising you of an opportunity to be profiled or to provide an endorsement for the Faculty.

Here at AHS we know that you — our graduates — are a valuable asset, and that you play a vital role in our success. AHS’ phenomenal growth, research power, and global reputation for innovation in health and well-being are enhanced every day by the good work you do, across the nation and around the world.

I have enjoyed meeting so many alumni, and look forward to meeting many more of you in the coming years, and helping you deepen your relationship with this dynamic Faculty within Canada’s most innovative university.

Wanda K. Deschamps

Director of Advancement
519-888-4567, ext. 38427