Student Life

Fall 2020

Fall term went well, even though it looked different

Online-only lectures, face coverings, hand sanitizing stations, socially distanced fitness classes and Toast Time-to-go; residence life at St. Paul's looked very different this year. But our students and the Don team made the best of the situation, finding new ways to build community while adhering to public health guidelines.

Students prepared the video below to show their appreciation for the alumni and friends who donated $25,000 in July and August to help ensure a safe and enjoyable term and to give you all a glimpse into what life at St. Paul's was like this fall. 

Giving Tuesday a huge success, will provide new instruments

St. Paul's has participated in Giving Tuesday initiatives for several years now and each year more alumni and friends show their support for the wellbeing of our students. This year a record 20 donors contributed to our $2,500 matching challenge resulting in a grand total of $5,500 in new donations that will be used to purchase guitars, hand drums and other new instruments to add to the residence collection.

Principal Myers proposed the matching challenge to support his vision of eventually building a music practice room at the College. Since joining our community in 2016 he has noticed how much musical talent exists among the student body and has worked to encourage music as an exercise in community building and as an outlet for stress relief. Making and listening to music contributes to student wellbeing. Last year, the College purchased a new keyboard for Watson's Student Centre with funds donated by a Distinguished Alumnus. The year before, Don Daniel brought his drum kit which was used regularly by students when there were no classes or events taking place in Alumni Hall.

With these new funds, the College will invest in additional instruments like hand drums and acoustic guitars. We expect with greater access to instruments even more students will participate in the traditions of Blackforest Coffeehouse.

Stay tuned as plans develop for the addition of a permanent practise studio.