Savanah Seaton

Director, Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre
Savanah Seaton

Savanah Seaton

Savanah’s matrilineal lineage is of the Anishinaabeg (Plains Ojibway) Peoples of the Waywayseecappo (Treaty 4) First Nation community through her late grandfather Chesley Seaton, and the Keeseeekoowenin (Treaty 2) First Nation community through her late grandmother Myrna Seaton (Bone). Her patrilineal lineage continues to be a lifelong re-search. She is a 1st and 2nd generation 60’s scoop survivor and a 3rd generation residential school survivor. While pursuing an MA degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology at UWaterloo, she lived in United College’s graduate residence.

Savanah has over ten years of experience in both public, private, and non-profit sectors with a strong dedication and passion towards empowering Indigenous people through higher education, capacity development, partnerships and entrepreneurship. Some of her main areas of specialties include Truth and Reconciliation, Indigenous engagement and empowerment, organizational change, and transformational leadership.

Savanah is the Director of the Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre which provides supports to Indigenous students through a wholistic lens: cultural, academic, well-being, and social engagement. It is an environment that is supportive, respectful, inclusive, and welcoming for all Indigenous students on campus. WISC welcomes Indigenous students from all backgrounds, regardless of status, reserve or urban background, or level of cultural knowledge.