Alumni Spotlight with Helene Cummins - Full Professor, Bresica Univeristy

Helene CumminsHelene Cummins (PhD '96) is a tenured full Professor at Brescia University, Western University. She was awarded the 2016 Status of Women Award of Distinction through the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations.

Alumni Relations had the chance to catch up with Helene to ask her some questions and talk about life after Waterloo.


 Dr. Helene A. Cummins


Full Professor, Sociology, Brescia University College @ Western University

The first thing I look at when I wake up is:

The newspaper

The last thing I Googled was:

The price of gasoline

If I were to change professions, I would:

Be in investments and financial advice

The most challenging aspect of my career is:

Undertaking all of the various interests I have in my research and teaching

The thing I remember most about my time at Waterloo is:

I feel so enriched by my education at Waterloo and the good fortune I had in working with outstanding Professors who mentored and nurtured me in so many valuable ways

One piece of advice I'd give young alumni is:

Hard and disciplined work, integrity, and dedication allow for a life full of success and personal and professional reward

If I could have dinner with anyone in the world deceased or alive it would be:

Gloria Steinem

The worst job I've ever had was:

Answering phones for a telephone answering service in my teen years

On the day I graduated, I wish I'd known:

That my professional work life would bring such pleasure and honor to my life as it unfolded

The last book I read was:

Otherhood by Melanie Notkin

The best part of my career is:

That it is never dull.  The world of sociology is constantly evolving and changing. It is a reminder that one’s education is never complete

The best part about teaching university students is:

Seeing my students grow and develop intellectually and in their own personal lives

The most challenging part about teaching university students is:

Having enough time to teach students all of the various facets in one's area of study- the theory, research and conceptual development and linkages

My favourite movie is:

I cannot think of one that stands out amongst others

My predictions for the University of Waterloo are:

That the University shall continue to grow and be a dynamic institution of higher learning both in Canada and abroad

My first job after graduation was:

Teaching full-time in my current position

What I hope to be doing when I retire is:  

Continually developing myself, learning and enjoying life with my family and friends. I plan to stay healthy and happy

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