Newly Appointed President of the Alumni Council, John Haddock

JohnAlumnus and soon-to-be retired CEO of the YMCA’s of Cambridge and Kitchener-Waterloo, John Haddock (BA ’78) has been appointed President of the University of Waterloo Alumni Council taking over duties for Paul Salvini (BMath ’92), CEO of the Accelerator Center, effective September 2016.

The Presidential Advisory Committee on Alumni was established in spring 1997 to help create a UWaterloo Alumni Council. The council represents UWaterloo global alumni and provides an active alumni perspective and voice to enrich the University and enhance alumni engagement.

Salvini has represented UWaterloo's global alumni as a member of the council for over ten years, five of those years as the President. During his time on the council, Salvini led the council through the refinement of the Alumni Council Terms of Reference, worked with the council on the University’s 6th  decade strategic plan and helped bring the alumni perspective into Co-op education and Career Action at UWaterloo.

PaulOver the past decade, Salvini’s involvement on the Alumni Council, at alumni events, on multiple community boards including UWaterloo Stratford with CBET and as a donor has been salient to the University of Waterloo. On behalf of the University of Waterloo, Alumni Relations and the Alumni Council would like to thank Paul Salvini for his dedication and involvement on the council over the years.

The University of Waterloo welcomes John Haddock to the position. Haddock's involvement with the University over the years includes his membership on the Alumni Council since 2013 where he was an active member on the Terms of Reference committee, volunteering at various alumni events, in addition to his service on the Dean’s Advisory Council for Applied Health Sciences, and as a loyal financial supporter. Haddock’s involvement and passion for UWaterloo in addition to his experience and expertise as an inspiring executive leader will prove invaluable in representing the global alumni community. Find out more about Haddock and his community leadership on the alumni website.

The commitment, interest in and support of UWaterloo from both Salvini and Haddock has helped to enrich the alumni connection to the institution and the University of Waterloo looks forward to their continued involvement.

For more information on the Alumni Council, please visit the Alumni Council webpage.