Grief and grief support needs in Canada

Researchers from the University of Waterloo and other universities in Canada and Australia are conducting a survey to advance public health understandings of grief and grief support. The Public Health Model of Bereavement Support was developed in Australia.

This study will allow us to understand its fit for the Canadian context and lay the foundation for future research. 

We would like to know about the person or people who have died, about participants’ own grief and the support that they did or did not receive. The results of this survey will allow us to better understand grief so that we can help design grief education and supports in the future.

This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Board. 

If you require any clarification about this project, please contact us through email:

The Public Health Model of Bereavement Support, Aoun, et al., 2015.