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The Graduate Calendar

Calendar - General Information & Regulations

Definitions - Students

Full-Time Students
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The following definitions are applicable to prospective students and to students currently enrolled in graduate studies at the University of Waterloo (see also Glossary of Terms ).

Regular Full-time Graduate Students

Students who have been accepted by the University to study for a higher degree on a full-time basis must:

  1. be engaged in studies requiring an Honours undergraduate degree or its equivalent as a prerequisite for admission;
  2. be making substantial demands upon the resources of the University;
  3. be pursuing his or her studies as a full-time occupation;
  4. identify himself or herself as a full-time graduate student;
  5. be designated by the University as a full-time student;
  6. be geographically available and visit the campus regularly. Without forfeiting full-time status, a graduate student, while still under supervision, may be absent from the University (e.g., visiting libraries, doing field work, attending a graduate course at another institution, etc.) provided that, if any such period of absence exceeds four weeks in any one term, written evidence shall be available in the Graduate Studies Office to the effect that the absence (in the form of full-time off-campus registration status) has the approval of the Supervisor, Department Graduate Officer, and the Dean of Graduate Studies.
  7. be considered to be a full-time graduate student by his or her supervisor.
  8. not be employed by the University for more than an average of ten hours per week for any term during which they are enrolled as full-time graduate students. If a student is employed as a teaching assistant or demonstrator, the ten hours per week should represent the total time spent by the student in connection with the appointment - including preparation, marking examinations, etc.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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