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Fall 2006
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The Graduate Calendar

Calendar - General Information & Regulations

Fees & Registration

Fee Arrangements and Payments
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Fee Payment Instructions

Fee payment instructions are available through the following Finance web site: . The University reserves the right to require a student to withdraw from a course or program for academic or other reasons.

Outstanding Fees and Implications

  • An initial fee assessment is based on the academic program and the student's academic load (full-time or part-time). If the academic load changes after fees are arranged the fee assessment may change. Accounts can be viewed through Quest at: .
  • Failure to pay all outstanding fees, and other outstanding items, such as library fines, parking fines, housing charges, emergency loans, within 60 days after published due dates will result in the withholding of transcripts and diplomas and blocking students from enrolling in courses for the next term.
  • Students whose cheques are returned by the bank for any reason will be assessed a handling charge of $25.00 plus late fees as applicable.

Graduate Studies Office
Needles Hall, Room 2201
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
519 888 4567 x35411
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