Fonds SCA19-WA10 - Elizabeth Smith Shortt fonds.

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Elizabeth Smith Shortt fonds.

Title notes

  • Parallel titles and other title information: Title from content of the fonds

Level of description


Reference code


Dates of creation area


Physical description area

Physical description

  • 8.2 m of textual records and other materials
  • 214 photographs : b&w ; 27 x 21 cm or smaller

Archival description area

Name of creator


Biographical history

Elizabeth Smith was born January 18, 1859 at 'Mountain Hall', Vinemount. She was educated by a governess in the home, at Winona School and at the Hamilton Collegiate Institute. She attended Queen's University, Kingston and received her degree in medicine ... »

Scope and content

This fonds documents a social and family history spanning almost one century. It revolves primarily around three women: Elizabeth Smith Shortt, and her daughters, Muriel Clarke and Lorraine Shortt. The fonds contains family correspondence, 1880 - 1970, ... »

Notes area

Physical condition

Also includes some artefactual materials.

Immediate source of acquisition

Donated by Muriel Clarke and Lorraine Shortt, daughters of Elizabeth Smith Shortt and Adam Shortt, in the fall of 1965 with some material arriving later in 1966. Muriel Clark's papers were received in 1974.


Fonds and files have been redescribed in many cases, but series have been left as were created in the late 1970's. Series are generally arranged alphabetically, but as new information has come to light, files are not always in correct alphabetical order.

Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication

Elizabeth Smith Shortt's personal records (diaries, outgoing correspondence, etc.) entered the Public Domain in 2019.

Related materials

Access points

Control area

Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Fonds/Series level descriptions by Jessica Blackwell, Fall 2013.