Alumni Events

March 2018

Dean Stephen M. Watt visits BeijingDean Stephen M. Watt and President and Vice-Chancellor Feridun Hamdullahpur visted Google Singapore on Monday, March 26 as part of a visit by the Faculty of Mathematics to Beijing, Singapore and Hong Kong. We were able to meet with to meet with several alumni and donors in the region during our visit.

April 2018 

Representatives from the Waterloo Research Institute in Insurance, Securities and Quantitative Finance (WatRISQ) traveled to New York City twice in April, first for a joint seminar at Columbia University. Presented by Bob Litterman & Kent Daniel, Applying Asset Pricing Theory to Calibrate the Price of Climate Risk explored the pricing of greenhouse gas emissions, and the trade-offs required between consumption today and unknown damages in the distant future, using insights from the asset pricing literature. We returned later in the month for a second seminar with WatRISQ, this time on Machine Learning & Sentiment Analysis for Statistical Arbitrage at the Manhattan Institute of Management with Dr. Arun Verma.

Dean Stephen M. Watt in Bermuda

While in Bermuda, Dean Watt had the chance to network with alumni, friends, and supporters of Waterloo Math. During the trip, he also met with the premier of Bermuda, the Bermuda Monetary Authority, and the Bermuda Business Development Association to discuss blockchain and insurance technologies, as well as Waterloo’s Co-op program. Representatives also discussed mathematics education support with the Director of Academics at the Bermuda Department of Education. Later in the month, co-operative education and alumni relations were also the topics of discussion in Azerbaijan, when Dean Watt visited the National Academy of Science, universities, and the Central Bank.

June 2018

Early in the month, faculty members and other alumni from the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science met at the Statistical Society of Canada meetings in Montreal. We also enjoyed another opportunity to catch up at the Canadian Insitute of Actuaries Annual Meeting in Toronto on June 21-22.

Convocation June 2018June is a time for celebration, as we welcomed 1,141 new alumni at Convocation. Congratulations to all of our graduates!

We also welcomed current students, faculty and alumni to join us for two wonderful speaking events: Anand Pillay, Rob Tibshirani and Alex Nicolaou spoke at the Recognizing Excellence Series, an event showcasing the J.W. Graham Medal recipient and honorary doctorates. And on June 21, we were pleased to announce our inaugural Wes Graham Research Symposium & Computer Science Awards reception, hosted by the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science. 

Alex Nicolaou addresses Recognizing Excellence Series

Upcoming Alumni events

July 10 – Join MathSoc as they unveil the newest addition to the MC 3rd floor Comfy Lounge…the Loop Pool Table Launch! See how it’s played at

July 6 – 2018 Calgary Stampede Parade Breakfast - Join the UWaterloo Alumni of Calgary for our annual stampede event! Connect with fellow UWaterloo alumni, staff and friends while enjoying a VIP view of the parade! Families and friends are welcome. Don't forget your UWaterloo swag and cowboy hats!

July 22 – Pi Approximation Day!

July 28 – Alumni Family Fun Day at the ROM - On UWaterloo's Alumni Family Fun Day take advantage of 50% off the Total ROM Experience and gain exclusive access to all galleries as well as all special exhibitions. Join fellow alumni and friends in the Alumni Hospitality Suite for refreshments, games and giveaways and enjoy exploring the museum at your own pace.

Sept 2 – 8 – First Year Orientation – Do you remember your first days on campus? Orientation is an opportunity to officially welcome new students and showcase our faculties, residences, affiliated institutions, support services and people.

Sept 19-21 – Dean of Mathematics visiting London UK – details to be announced

September 22 – REUNION – How long has it been since you had the opportunity to visit campus? Maybe it’s time to reconnect with those you miss. BMath classes of 1973, and 1978 are planning get togethers…what about your class? Contact the Math Alumni Office ( ) for information on class reunions, or visit for more information and to register.

September (mid/late) – Math will be joining Ottawa, and surrounding area alumni, for their annual reunion event in Kanata.  Watch for emails, or contact Alex Lippert ( ), Senior Development Officer, if you’d like to book an update meeting or have updates you’d like to share with her.

September 28 – 30 – Ontario Universities Fair – bring out your next generation Mathies and visit the University of Waterloo booth at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

November 1 – Math will be taking a bite out of the Big Apple when we visit New York City. Visit the Alumni Events page in September for further information, or contact Alex Lippert ( ), Senior Development Officer, for updates on coming NYC events.