Inside Insight Newsletter 19 (2)

  • Eye exams in progress

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    A closer look at what is new at the School!

    New Director / Strategic Planning / Retirements / New Conference

    Don’t miss an introduction to our new Director, Dr. Stanley Woo, who arrives in July. Find also an update on the School’s current strategic planning process, and a follow-up to the first Canadian Interdisciplinary Vision Rehabilitation Conference, which was held here in March. And finally, Bill Bobier and Barb Robinson have retired this year, with a combined total of 68 years of service to the School!

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  • Emmanuel Alabi presents his research at the University-level Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT)

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    The eye as a window into your pain tolerance

    Vision Science graduate student, and winner of the provincial Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, pitches new method to quantify pain

    Have you ever wondered why some people can swim for hours in a cold lake while others don’t last a minute? Everyone has a different tolerance for cold water, in much the same way that everyone processes pain differently. While an optometrist, Emmanuel Alabi, now a doctoral candidate in Waterloo’s School of Optometry and Vision Science, noticed it’s hard to predict how patients will handle the discomfort of routine medical procedures. That’s why he’s researching how the eye can be used as an objective measure of pain.

    Category: Feature
  • Patricia Hrynchak

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    Patricia Hrynchak

    Engaging Students Through Team-Based Learning

    Since 2011, Dr. Patricia Hrynchak, a Clinical Professor in the School of Optometry and a recipient of that School’s 2016 Distinguished Teaching Award, has been a practitioner of a teaching method known as Team-Based Learning (TBL). Developed by Larry Michaelson for teaching business students in the 1990s, TBL is an active-learning strategy that Hrynchak describes as learner-centered but instructor-led. TBL promotes deep learning, while at the same time fostering both individual and group accountability.

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  • Left to right: Jasmine Yakubowski, Kaitlyn Skinner, Benjamin Wild, Katelyn Simair, Brij Patel, Bryan Wong, Courtney Fan

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    Sports Vision Club

    The Sports Vision Club (SVC), one of the newer student groups at the University of Waterloo (UW), was established in 2014 to expose optometry students to the exciting field of sports vision and provide them with experience in working with unique athlete populations. Our club aims to educate students on how they can incorporate sports vision into their own optometric practices after graduation. Since our club’s inception, SVC executives have collaborated with Dr. Kristine Dalton to organize vision screening events and seminars throughout the school year.

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